Saturday, August 4, 2007

What is influencing you?

As a parent have you steered your kids away from certain groups, specific locations, particular T.V. shows, inappropriate magazines, and music?

Why did you do it?

It was probably to protect them physically, spiritually, and emotionally. You did not want their self-esteem and self-confidence to be eroded. Yet, how many of you give yourselves the same consideration?

Most people do not question their habits and they let themselves be poisoned by the negativity that surrounds them. Though not physically visible, negativity is pervasive, toxic, and it affects all life. We all need to guard and nurture our mind and state of being.

Taking time to reflect on our habits is a very valuable exercise. The truth is that the schedule you adhere to, the people you see, the programs you watch, the books you read or do not read, do not lie. They are a reflection of what you believe.

Frequently, those around you let you know by their words and actions that they really do not want to see you make different choices. In fact, it makes them feel they need to look at their own lives.

Ask yourself what will your life look like in 1 year and in 5 years if you keep the same habits?

Next, what do you fill your mind with? Do you read books that inspire and motivate you or, are you feeding your mind a continuous diet of nightly news that leaves you feeling helpless, hopeless, and paralyzed in fear?

Some of you may think you need to be well informed? You may need to be informed but you certainly do not need to be inundated.

Thirdly, do you watch your words and really listen to what is uttered around you? Everything lives in language. Miguel Ruiz who shares the wisdom of the ancient Toltec expresses it beautifully in his book the "Four Agreements" - The word is the power you have to express and communicate, to think and thereby to create the events in your life. Your words can create the most beautiful dream, or your words can destroy everything around you.

What words have you internalized that do not serve you? What words to you believe to be true about yourself when if fact they are not? More importantly, what words do you speak on a daily basis? Is your internal mind chatter positive or negative? Have you told someone today that they are appreciated, valued and important?

In order to bring change into your life you must first become aware of your surroundings. Your awareness will then influence your choices, and your new choices will bring about new results.

Change can feel uncomfortable and hard at the beginning. However, if we remember that the greatest amount of energy needed for change is at the beginning of the process, we can feel encouraged knowing that the best is yet to come.

Doing something good for yourself sends a message deep inside you that says I am worth it and I deserve it. It is also very important for your children to see you treating yourself with the utmost respect. Success, Inner Peace and Joy do not appear magically on your doorstep. You need to create this environment.

Take the time to put down on paper what you want your life to look like. Then start taking steps towards that life. Start letting go of what does not serve you. You can choose to be a prisoner of your past or be the architect of your future.

Lynette Chartier

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