Thursday, August 16, 2007

Super Saturday, Las Vegas

Hello one and all,

Roland and I got back from Vegas on Tuesday and we just had a blast.
Super Saturday was definitely SUPER! We learned a ton, met some great folks and
saw what is possible for us, here at Liberty League.

Those of you who know us, know that I am the one who works the business with Roland's total support. However, in Vegas, Roland realized WHY his attendance (and the attendance of spouses) at these events is important.

Roland got to put faces to the names he continuously hears of. He enjoyed getting to know our team mates.

Roland got an even deeper understanding of the compensation plan, with Brent's presentation.

He thoroughly enjoyed the speaker Larry Winget, and his no nonsense approach to life and business. Roland found the anecdotes amusing and refreshing.

Furthermore, together we both got clearer on our individual and common goals, and
we have restarted the Beyond Freedom program.

Coming home and sharing what we have seen and heard on an individual basis, can never compare to actually being there together!

Make it a joyous and prosperous day!

Lynette Chartier

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