Sunday, October 7, 2007

Doing In A Certain Way!

The hardest and most important work we will ever do is to keep our mind focused in the positive direction of our desired life outcomes.

Once again, yesterday I had the luxury of spending a few hours in airports and on planes. I enjoy this time as it is a perfect way to catch on some reading and reflecting.

Yesterday's gift came in the form of a little book entitled "The Science of Getting Rich". I had read this book a couple of times before, yet like all great works in the field of personal development it is one that must be reread and studied.

It was very evident for me yesterday that the "Doing in a certain way" that is often referred to in the world of personal development, when folks are looking to create wealth, really means first of all to "Think in a certain way." It refers to thinking and believing the truth at all times despite current appearances and our so-called daily reality. This truth is that each and every one of us is meant to be healthy and wealthy in all ways. The invisible supply of the world's goods is limitless. We see the goods manifest as fast as each one of us can receive them and use them.

The following steps can help each of us move towards our desired outcomes:

Step 1: Get clear on what you want. Decide what you want and arrange it in a coherent whole. You must know what you want and want it badly enough so that it sticks in your mind at all times. It helps to make a mental movie of your desired life. The clearer and more definite the picture the stronger the desire will be.

Convey your wants through thoughts. It is by holding the vision of your wants that you impress your thoughts on the formless substance.

N.B. You can eliminate resistance in your attempt to create wealth by quieting your mind. This is often done through meditation. Fabulous books that can help you in releasing resistance are those written by Esther and Jerry Hicks.

Step 2: Come into unity of mind with your Source/God through the power of gratitude. Learn to be grateful for everything that you have and are experiencing now, even the stuff you do not want, as it is there to teach you a lesson. Being grateful every day keeps us in touch with the creative mind. A grateful mind leads to expectation, and expectation leads to increased faith that what we desire is on its way.

Step3: Believe everything comes from one substance. The substance gives us all we want. Again, be grateful and have faith that what you desire is all ready here in the invisible world and is coming to you in the visible form.

Step 4: We must all step away from the competitive mindset and work from a creative mindset in order to create our wealth. We must know and believe that there is enough for everyone. There is no need for someone to have less or to lose in an area in order for us to receive what we want. You can have anything you want as long as it is for the advancement of everyone (no one gets diminished). Your desires must be for a fuller expression of life.

Step 5: Use your will to keep you on the right mental path, on the path of your desires and vision. Use your will to hold on to faith despite appearances. Use your will only on yourself. Keep Your Mind at Home!

I was once again reminded that we lose ground if we permit our mind to dwell on dissatisfaction of things as they are. We need to focus on the best, and expect to receive the best in the physical, mental, spiritual, emotional and financial areas of our lives.

The above suggestions are only a few of the gems shared in this small, yet extremely powerful little book, in the field of personal development, "The Science of Getting Rich."

I am so looking forward to embarking a plane once again, in only a few short days... and I will get back to you with Part 2 of "Doing in a certain way" shortly.

The Power Is Always In Your Hands!

Have yourself a joyous and prosperous day,


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Thursday, October 4, 2007

Get A Life -- If You Are Really Willing

Get a Life.

How did you just react to that sentence? Did you find it amusing? Or perhaps alarming? Was it insulting?

Ask yourself this, "what does my response to that sentence tell me about myself?"

And ask yourself whether in fact, you really are willing to get a life?

I've been reading Larry Winget's book Shut Up, Stop Whining, and Get a Life. And I have to tell you, it's really beginning to rub off on me.

The world is full of people who are quick to complain about their circumstances and their lot in life. And they're quick to blame everything and everybody around them for the result they're getting, but never willing to take responsiblity for themselves.

It's sad.

It's sad because the world has more than enough victims and so what it sorely needs is more leaders. And the step to taking personal responsibility by beginning to lead yourself is not particularly difficult.

But it does require commitment. It requires commitment to yourself and a genuine willingness to change. As Larry points out in his book, it's the willingness most people fall short with.

You have the ability to change your life for the better. You may even have the desire to change your life for the better. But neither of those things is going to enable you to change your life for the better if you are unwilling to change.

So here's the question to really ask yourself. "Am I willing to change?" Are you really willing to buckle down and do what it takes consistently, day by day, in order to create the change you want in your life?

Here's the good news. Assuming the answer is "yes", there are some tools that can help you.

Firstly, Buy Larry's book, Shut Up, Stop Whining, and Get a Life: A Kick-Butt Approach to a Better Life. It's a great reminder and it's written in a no pussy-footing around style which is very refreshing and effective.

Secondly, there is a brilliant self study, personal development program you can buy that teaches you a daily recipe you can follow in order to get a life -- that is the life you really want. It's called Beyond Freedom and it has helped transform my life in a profound way. So learn how to get a life by visiting

It's so easy to whine and complain about our lives. And it's the rare individual who is prepared to take personal responsibility and begin to lead him or herself to a new life. It's the rare individual who is willing to step out from the crowd.

So which are you? Are you willing to step out and change your results? If you are, then do something -- take one action step right now today that moves you in the direction you'd like to go. And then take another step again tomorrow.

So now it's time to ask yourself the key question. Are you ready and really willing to get a life?

Discover how to create wealth, abundance, freedom and Get A Life of prosperity by visiting my website at