Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Take Action!

How many of you set some “resolutions” for the New Year? Let us call them what they are “goals”, resolutions for many is a way to say you are going to do something but if the action is not given to it then it is forgotten with little or no consequences to ourselves because after all it is just a resolution, right? You see if you call it a goal it is meaningful, I am not saying resolutions are not meaningful just the thought behind it is different. It is a subtle difference but for many it is the difference between success and failure. Last Christmas I made the decision to create the lifestyle we wanted, to start a home business and become an active & involved parent and to travel with our children. Wow, I look back at the year and we have accomplished just about everything we set as our goals for 2007!

So what do you want? What do you want to change compared to what you did in 2007. Really get clear on this, what do you want, are you willing to trade your life for it? Also, what has held you back from making this change in the past? Be clear on what limiting belief that you hold that has held you back from making these changes. Most of us want to change our work, fitness, health, and relationships but we do not take ACTION. We are paralyzed by FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real). We have to recognize that and face the fears we hold in our hearts that hold us back from what we want.

How do you make these resolutions into goals? One, write it down this is really important as it will set the sub-conscious mind into motion. Two, read it every day to remind yourself what it is you set your intention on doing, and then take ACTION. This is vitally important; many of us know of the Law of Attraction and we use it in our daily lives. However, it only works if you also integrate ACTION in the steps of using the LOA. What does action really mean? If you break it down it is really about making a decision and then following through with that decision. Make a goal or goals for 2008, write it down and read it every day as many times as you can, and then take ACTION. Make the decisions you need to make to move you towards what it is you want.

Here are 4 great steps to making decisions. Many people have trouble with this part of applying the LOA into their lives. Follow these steps and you will see things changing in the direction of your dreams so fast you will be amazed.

  1. DO I WANT TO be, do or have this?
  2. Will being, doing or having this Move me in the direction of my goal?
  3. Is being, doing or having this In Harmony with God’s Laws or the Laws of the Universe?
  4. Will being, doing or having this violate the Rights of Others?

If the answer to the first 3 questions is YES, and the answer to the last question NO, then take action and move forward.

I am so grateful for what I have been able to accomplish this year. With that I am so grateful for what I am already creating in 2008 because I can build on our success and also what I have learned in that process over the past year and I know achieving what I am setting as my goals for 2008. What about you? I will ask the question again, what do you want? Really what do you want in your life that for some reason or circumstance you have not accomplished yet. What is holding you back? Your success is assured if get clear on what you want and take ACTION!

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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Stop Going Through The Motions. Experience Life Now.

Are you choosing to experience your life or are you going through the motions?

As I write this, I'm in Wichita, Kansas. I'm on a road trip of sorts that started 2 weeks and one day ago. I loaded my family into our van and we set out from our home just outside Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

So far, we've stayed over in Fargo, North Dakota; Wichita, Kansas; Galveston, Texas; Montego Bay, Jamaica; Grand Cayman; Cozumel, Mexico; Weslaco, Texas; Austin, Texas and now back again in Wichita.

Our van has made it to all but 3 of the locations, while we relied on a cruise ship to get us to the remaining ones.

The trip has reminded me of what a wondrous planet we live on. And it's served to cement my resolve that the point of living is to experience the world and enjoy the experience.

I was able to go on this trip because I have my own home based business. It gives me the freedom to choose when, where and how I want to experience my life and I don't require permission from any one else to do so.

But it wasn't always this way. For too many years, I lived my life by going through the motions and putting off experiences until some undetermined point down the road.

Finally, I couldn't take it any more, and I made the decision to start living my life now. No more going through the motions for me.

That's the trip I'm on and the ride has been exhilarating. You should try it some time.

Learn more about how to experience prosperity and abundance by visiting my website at And, if you'd like to check out a really cool course that essentiallly teaches you how to get anything you want, visit

Saturday, December 1, 2007


Many of us have heard about that saying Be-Do-Have, wow is it really that simple? I wanted to share a story of how we started this idea of Life is a Playground and our home business Clark's Playground. Just about a year ago we were like so many working, day to day raising a family and making the best of what we thought we had. The keyword is "thought", however we started to question what we had. Is it really just about going to work and coming home, do-this, do-that? Is there really no control of what we want for our lifestyle and where we want to go? Is it really about going to work and hoping for 2 weeks off and getting away somewhere?

We decided no, we have a responsibility to live the life we want and also to demonstrate to our children, to live the life they want. Success can be so many different things to people. How we define our success is by living the fullest most prosperous life we can. It is our obligation to be prosperous in every aspect of our lives.

Clark's Playground was born; we had to find a way to do it. We had made the decision that our life is about playing and prosperity. We started a home business and went at it. Then we asked ourselves, how can we play in 2007? What have we wanted to do that we always said we would do, but never took action. So we decided who we wanted to "BE".

Then started to "DO" it, we went and spent the winter in Baja, we went to Australia, and we then came home loaded up and went to Northern Canada. We always said we wanted to be traveling and sharing experiences with our children and be able to make a multiple 6 figure income while doing it.

So my point is Be-Do-Have. We decided to "BE" whom we always dreamed of. Then we had to "DO" the action to make that a reality. Now we "HAVE" the life we have always wanted and share and mentor others to do the same.

I am grateful for it, I celebrate it. Every day is a gift, open it up and enjoy it because tomorrow you get another one.

Life is a playground, how do you choose to play?

Friday, November 9, 2007


I always love the journey of building a successful home business and how personal development is so entwined in this success. I spend time each day study all the different resources out there and have been given a book sometime ago from Bob Proctor. This book is called "As a Man Thinketh" by James Allen. When I was given this book it was suggested that I read the last chapter everyday and it is a great practice. This little chapter continually reminds me to calm down, not slow down. When you are calm your creative thoughts can flow freely, this is the power. These thoughts are the money makers and if you want to have a successful network marketing home business then read this chapter each day. So here is the chapter print it and read it every day, I am sure you will find great rewards in this practice.

Serenity – "As a Man Thinketh" by James Allen

Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom. It is the result of long and patient effort in self control. Its presence is an indication of ripened experience, and of a more that ordinary knowledge of the laws and operations of thought.

A man becomes calm in the measure that he understands himself as a thought-evolved being, for such knowledge necessitates the understanding of other as the result of thought, and as he develops a right understanding, and sees more and more clearly the internal relations of things by the action of cause and effect, he ceases to fuss and fume and worry and grieve, and remains poised, steadfast, serene.

The calm man, having learned how to govern himself, know how to adapt himself to others; and they, in turn, reverence his spiritual strength, and feel that they can learn of him and rely upon him. The more tranquil a man becomes, the greater is his success, his influence, his power for good. Even the ordinary trader will find his business prosperity increase as he develops a greater self-control and equanimity, for people will always prefer to deal with a man whose demeanor is strongly equable.

The Strong, calm man is always loved and revered. He is like a shade-giving tree in a thirsty land, or a sheltering rock in a storm. "Who does not love a tranquil heart, a sweet-tempered, balance life? It does not matter whether it rains or shines, or what changes come to those possessing these blessings, for they are always sweet, serene, and calm. That exquisite poise of character which we call serenity is the last lesson of culture; it is the flowering of life, the fruitage of the soul. It is precious as wisdom, more to be desired than gold- yea, than even fine gold. How insignificant mere money-seeking looks in comparison with a serene life- a life that dwells in the ocean of Truth, beneath the wave, beyond the reach of tempests, in the Eternal Calm!

"How many people we know who sour their lives, who ruin all that is sweet and beautiful by explosive tempers, who destroy their poise of character, and make bad blood! It is a question whether the great majority of people do not ruin their lives and mar their happiness by lack of self-control. How few people we meet in life who are well-balanced, who have that exquisite poise which is characteristic of the finished character!"

Yes, humanity surges with uncontrolled passion, is tumultuous with ungoverned grief, is blown about by anxiety and doubt. Only the wise man, only he whose thoughts are controlled and purified, makes the winds and the storms of the soul obey him.

Tempest-tossed souls, wherever ye may be, under whatsoever conditions ye may live, know this – in the ocean of life the isles of Blessedness are smiling, and the sunny shore of your ideal awaits your coming. Keep your hand firmly upon the helm of thought. In the barque of your soul reclines the commanding Master; He does but sleep; wake Him. Self-control is strength; Right Thought is mastery; Calmness is power. Say unto your heart, "Peace be still!"

This is a great little piece and is a great place to turn when you feel that things are not just the way you planned. Calm and Serene Thought will take you through that time. This is how we are able to create a multiple 6 figure home business. Also, if you would like to learn more sign up for our 90day eCourse and we will share with you what has allowed us to create the lifestyle that we choose.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Doing In A Certain Way!

The hardest and most important work we will ever do is to keep our mind focused in the positive direction of our desired life outcomes.

Once again, yesterday I had the luxury of spending a few hours in airports and on planes. I enjoy this time as it is a perfect way to catch on some reading and reflecting.

Yesterday's gift came in the form of a little book entitled "The Science of Getting Rich". I had read this book a couple of times before, yet like all great works in the field of personal development it is one that must be reread and studied.

It was very evident for me yesterday that the "Doing in a certain way" that is often referred to in the world of personal development, when folks are looking to create wealth, really means first of all to "Think in a certain way." It refers to thinking and believing the truth at all times despite current appearances and our so-called daily reality. This truth is that each and every one of us is meant to be healthy and wealthy in all ways. The invisible supply of the world's goods is limitless. We see the goods manifest as fast as each one of us can receive them and use them.

The following steps can help each of us move towards our desired outcomes:

Step 1: Get clear on what you want. Decide what you want and arrange it in a coherent whole. You must know what you want and want it badly enough so that it sticks in your mind at all times. It helps to make a mental movie of your desired life. The clearer and more definite the picture the stronger the desire will be.

Convey your wants through thoughts. It is by holding the vision of your wants that you impress your thoughts on the formless substance.

N.B. You can eliminate resistance in your attempt to create wealth by quieting your mind. This is often done through meditation. Fabulous books that can help you in releasing resistance are those written by Esther and Jerry Hicks.

Step 2: Come into unity of mind with your Source/God through the power of gratitude. Learn to be grateful for everything that you have and are experiencing now, even the stuff you do not want, as it is there to teach you a lesson. Being grateful every day keeps us in touch with the creative mind. A grateful mind leads to expectation, and expectation leads to increased faith that what we desire is on its way.

Step3: Believe everything comes from one substance. The substance gives us all we want. Again, be grateful and have faith that what you desire is all ready here in the invisible world and is coming to you in the visible form.

Step 4: We must all step away from the competitive mindset and work from a creative mindset in order to create our wealth. We must know and believe that there is enough for everyone. There is no need for someone to have less or to lose in an area in order for us to receive what we want. You can have anything you want as long as it is for the advancement of everyone (no one gets diminished). Your desires must be for a fuller expression of life.

Step 5: Use your will to keep you on the right mental path, on the path of your desires and vision. Use your will to hold on to faith despite appearances. Use your will only on yourself. Keep Your Mind at Home!

I was once again reminded that we lose ground if we permit our mind to dwell on dissatisfaction of things as they are. We need to focus on the best, and expect to receive the best in the physical, mental, spiritual, emotional and financial areas of our lives.

The above suggestions are only a few of the gems shared in this small, yet extremely powerful little book, in the field of personal development, "The Science of Getting Rich."

I am so looking forward to embarking a plane once again, in only a few short days... and I will get back to you with Part 2 of "Doing in a certain way" shortly.

The Power Is Always In Your Hands!

Have yourself a joyous and prosperous day,


Visit my website to take advantage of some great articles located in the My Articles section or scroll down to the Blog and add your comments. I would love to hear from you!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Get A Life -- If You Are Really Willing

Get a Life.

How did you just react to that sentence? Did you find it amusing? Or perhaps alarming? Was it insulting?

Ask yourself this, "what does my response to that sentence tell me about myself?"

And ask yourself whether in fact, you really are willing to get a life?

I've been reading Larry Winget's book Shut Up, Stop Whining, and Get a Life. And I have to tell you, it's really beginning to rub off on me.

The world is full of people who are quick to complain about their circumstances and their lot in life. And they're quick to blame everything and everybody around them for the result they're getting, but never willing to take responsiblity for themselves.

It's sad.

It's sad because the world has more than enough victims and so what it sorely needs is more leaders. And the step to taking personal responsibility by beginning to lead yourself is not particularly difficult.

But it does require commitment. It requires commitment to yourself and a genuine willingness to change. As Larry points out in his book, it's the willingness most people fall short with.

You have the ability to change your life for the better. You may even have the desire to change your life for the better. But neither of those things is going to enable you to change your life for the better if you are unwilling to change.

So here's the question to really ask yourself. "Am I willing to change?" Are you really willing to buckle down and do what it takes consistently, day by day, in order to create the change you want in your life?

Here's the good news. Assuming the answer is "yes", there are some tools that can help you.

Firstly, Buy Larry's book, Shut Up, Stop Whining, and Get a Life: A Kick-Butt Approach to a Better Life. It's a great reminder and it's written in a no pussy-footing around style which is very refreshing and effective.

Secondly, there is a brilliant self study, personal development program you can buy that teaches you a daily recipe you can follow in order to get a life -- that is the life you really want. It's called Beyond Freedom and it has helped transform my life in a profound way. So learn how to get a life by visiting

It's so easy to whine and complain about our lives. And it's the rare individual who is prepared to take personal responsibility and begin to lead him or herself to a new life. It's the rare individual who is willing to step out from the crowd.

So which are you? Are you willing to step out and change your results? If you are, then do something -- take one action step right now today that moves you in the direction you'd like to go. And then take another step again tomorrow.

So now it's time to ask yourself the key question. Are you ready and really willing to get a life?

Discover how to create wealth, abundance, freedom and Get A Life of prosperity by visiting my website at

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Remembering to Lighten Up and Have fun

With the help of two great conference calls in the last 24 hours, I was reminded of a crucial element of business; taking the time to have FUN, and making the tasks enjoyable.

Having been a serious, detail oriented person for the majority of my working life ( AKA - suffering from intellectual constipation :) ) I appreciate being reminded to let go and choose the Fun path. One of the elements to practice in order to sustain a positive healthy mind set is to take time out for laughter and humor. I remembered once again that laughter, and fun are part of a healthy mindset. Any time I get too rigid about anything, even if it is something for my own good like exercise and time spent learning, I end up being too attached to a particular outcome. This can also lead to feeling a burden on my shoulders and carrying around a sensation of heaviness. This feeling or vibration also gets communicated to others when we are doing business. People are already overburdened and overwhelmed, they certainly are not looking for more of the same.

Most of the things that occur in our life are there to teach us a lesson. I loved it when I heard, "We will probably be laughing at this same stuff in 3-5 years from now, so why not laugh a little now." I was especially grateful for being reminded that sharing laughter after a lesson learned, lets the individuals be more in balance. It can prevent adopting a false belief around the situation or adding to negative programming.

Jessica Rush on the Wake Up call showed me that I could take this same principle and apply it to my goal setting. We are all aware that if we do not know what we want out of life we are not likely to get it. There were times where I have made goal setting serious rather than fun. I too have followed many steps to get exactly the correct wording or the right pictures for my dream board. I could relate when Tony shared about going to a quiet place to sit or in his office behind closed doors, to do this goal setting. It need not be this way.

I am choosing to have more fun and just FEEL lighter.

Have yourself a joyous and prosperous day!


The Power Is Always In Your Hands!

Lynette Chartier

Visit my website to take advantage of some great articles located in the resource section or scroll down to the Blog and add your comments. I would love to hear from you!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

What is meant by detatchment?

Frequently I have heard successful people in the industry of network marketing speak about being attached to our goals, but being detached when speaking to prospective clients and business partners.

It took me a while to understand and grasp this concept, but then a friend shared the following with me and I was able to get a clear picture.

Let's say you the business owner is Person A and your potential client Mary is Person B. When you have finished sharing the information with Mary, if you choose to mentally and emotionally "stand there" then Mary has no space to move forward. Once you have finished being the informational tour guide, you need to let go which means get out of the way emotionally and mentally. Mary will then have the breathing room and space to do her thing, till she can make a decision one way or the other if this network marketing opportunity is right one for her. This is one way of viewing detachment.

When prospecting we can think of the pipeline theory. Our job is to stand at one end of the pipeline and to expose the potential clients to the information. By the law of nature when you have exposed enough people to your opportunity and put them through the pipeline, some folks will start falling out of the other end. Standing at one end of the pipeline only is another way to be detached. You need to take yourself out of the equation once you have put them through the system.

Some business owners expose people to their opportunity at one end of the pipeline and then quickly run to the other end in order to coax the prospect out or worse yet, drag them out.

So by simply being an informational tour guide and then getting out of your prospect's way as well as your own, you will create wealth more rapidly.

The Power Is Always In Your Hands!

Lynette Chartier

Visit my website to take advantage of some great articles located in the resource section or scroll down to the Blog and add your comments. I would love to hear from you!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Taking Time to Reflect and Assess

September is really the New Year for me, much more so than January. This long weekend, I took some time just to sit and start assessing this past year. It was my first year working full time from home. I decided to be a full time entrepreneur, in the belief that it would move me faster toward my desired life.

A few months earlier, at the dinner table, my then 17 year old son Rémi, interrupted the family conversation, looked at me in the eye and said, "You are always encouraging others. When are you going to take your own leap of faith?" Needless to say, it can be a little unsettling to have your own children call you on your stuff. He knew what he was talking about, as he had participated in some personal development conferences with me, and had internalized great information.

Shortly afterwards, I left the world of formal education, after 24 years. WOW, what a change it was for me! Throughout this past year I did go through moments of feeling that I was not busy enough. At times, I even felt guilty for spending so much time taking care of myself, diving into my personal development programs, and just enjoying life. There were moments of self doubt and wondering what I had done.

You see, I left my day job not knowing how everything was going to turn out. Now that required a real stretch for me as I was an analytical type. I took a leap of faith and believed that the net was going to appear. And, it has. Did everything turn out like I wanted it to? Certainly not! However, the rewards have been tremendous.

During the past 12 months, I have gotten to know myself and my family at a much deeper level. My husband and I have been able to have a deeper connection and chart out our desired future. I have been more present rather than rushing from one activity to the next, and having continuous mind noise.

My sense of gratitude for everything around me has grown by leaps and bounds. More and more I am in a state of awe, and I am also realizing that everything material was first a thought.

My sense of personal responsibility has increased greatly, though that has not always been comfortable. I have had to accept that it is o.k. to ask for help.

I am now walking around with a greater sense of knowing, and a deeper trust of self. I have been able to shed more layers when it comes to other people's comments and opinions. I am aware of my own personal power. Yet, sometimes this power still takes me aback. More and more I know who I am. I realize that personal growth is something that must be experienced and cannot only be read about. Concepts must eventually pass from the intellect to the heart and to the gut level. Believe me, the Universe in its kind and compassionate way, will always offer you the circumstances that you need in order to learn the next lesson.

My self esteem and self confidence have increased. Being decisive is easier. My mind is becoming more anchored.

I am more comfortable and excited to share my opportunity with others because I know what I have my hands on and what is possible. I know personal growth is the foundation piece required to Being, Doing, and Having what we each want. Some folks choose to play it safe, because playing it safe does not bring up your own stuff. One can sweep it under the carpet for the time being. That is O.K. However playing it safe was not my choice. One of my joys is watching my husband and kids go forward with personal growth, ask questions, read, and do their own discovering. This personal growth is ongoing and we never fully arrive. There is always another level at which we can grow, expand, and lead a fuller expression of life. Rather than being discouraged by that, I now find this provides excitement and gives me HOPE.

Everyday I remind myself to Breathe and Breathe deeper, and to go forward believing the bridge will appear as I walk on.

The Power Is Always In Your Hands!
Lynette Chartier

Feel free to email your feedback to and my website to take advantage of some great articles located in the resource section.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Super Saturday, Las Vegas

Hello one and all,

Roland and I got back from Vegas on Tuesday and we just had a blast.
Super Saturday was definitely SUPER! We learned a ton, met some great folks and
saw what is possible for us, here at Liberty League.

Those of you who know us, know that I am the one who works the business with Roland's total support. However, in Vegas, Roland realized WHY his attendance (and the attendance of spouses) at these events is important.

Roland got to put faces to the names he continuously hears of. He enjoyed getting to know our team mates.

Roland got an even deeper understanding of the compensation plan, with Brent's presentation.

He thoroughly enjoyed the speaker Larry Winget, and his no nonsense approach to life and business. Roland found the anecdotes amusing and refreshing.

Furthermore, together we both got clearer on our individual and common goals, and
we have restarted the Beyond Freedom program.

Coming home and sharing what we have seen and heard on an individual basis, can never compare to actually being there together!

Make it a joyous and prosperous day!

Lynette Chartier

Visit my website to take advantage of some great articles located in the resource section.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Just Decide To Be Successful

Michelle and I just returned from a brilliant Super Saturday training event in Las Vegas with Liberty League International.

There were so many take aways from the event, but for me one of the key messages is simply "just decide".

I've been on a "just decide" rant for a while and this event further reinforces my conviction that all of my success (or lack of success) in all areas of my life simply boils down to my level of "decidedness".

David Cooley won the Range Rover contest with a staggering 54 Beyond Freedom sales because, after nearly 2 years of doing nothing, he just decided it was time to really do it.

Larry Winget spoke about one of the great "half truths" in the film The Secret and in many of the personal development messages so common in the industry. You cannot think yourself to be rich ... rather it's what you think about, talk about, and actually "get off your ass and do something about" that can make you rich.

Which takes us back to just deciding.

So let me ask you this question. Are you ready to just decide to be successful in your life? For real?

If you answered "yes", then the formula is real simple.

Think about it consciously throughout your day -- this creates the focus.

Talk about it to yourself and with those around you who will support you -- this begins the phenomenon of speaking it into existence.

And then "get off your ass" and start to do some things that move you in the direction you want to go -- this is the key "do" component that leads to you "having" what you desire, but in the absence of which you can think and talk about it until you're blue in the face and you'll still be stuck exactly where you are.

So ... are you ready to "just decide"?

If so, what are you going to do about it?

Get Inspired by visiting my website at

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Are you harnessing the power of your talents?

I sit here full of gratitude for the gifts, and insights the day has already offered me. One of the benefits of a little age, career experience, raising family and life stuff is that we can choose to reflect on our past, and start to see patterns, and habits. At first we create these habits and patterns, and with time they take over, and create us. They are like submarines; they run deep and quiet.

This morning I had one of those magical AHA moments. Thanks to a wonderful conversation, I came to realize that not fully understanding one of my personal gifts had actually caused me confusion, and less than stellar results. Not only had I not harnessed the power of the gift; at times this gift had been wasted.

I have the ability to take a concept, an idea, a task, and look at it from many angles. The fact that I can see many options to a situation has often led me to try too many things at once, going back and forth from one method to another, and be unfocused.

When dealing with people it sometimes looked like the following: (wanting to be kind and loving) giving a variety of options to a problem/situation. A leader would have assessed the situation and then offered her best suggestion, because most people today are
over-whelmed and want to be led. A leader guides and offers structure.

People cannot anchor to an unanchored mind. An anchored mind means I have a knowing and then I fully trust that knowing. It increases self-confidence and self esteem. Furthermore, coming from a place of knowing encourages persistence. When my certainty exceeds the world's doubt, people will follow me.

Once again, I am grateful for the gifts that personal development offers. Yes, it is an ongoing journey, however a journey that offers understanding, growth, hope, and better life results! Isn't that what we all want, a fuller expression of life?

Make it a joyous and prosperous day!

Lynette Chartier

Visit my website to take advantage of some great articles located in the resource section.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

What is influencing you?

As a parent have you steered your kids away from certain groups, specific locations, particular T.V. shows, inappropriate magazines, and music?

Why did you do it?

It was probably to protect them physically, spiritually, and emotionally. You did not want their self-esteem and self-confidence to be eroded. Yet, how many of you give yourselves the same consideration?

Most people do not question their habits and they let themselves be poisoned by the negativity that surrounds them. Though not physically visible, negativity is pervasive, toxic, and it affects all life. We all need to guard and nurture our mind and state of being.

Taking time to reflect on our habits is a very valuable exercise. The truth is that the schedule you adhere to, the people you see, the programs you watch, the books you read or do not read, do not lie. They are a reflection of what you believe.

Frequently, those around you let you know by their words and actions that they really do not want to see you make different choices. In fact, it makes them feel they need to look at their own lives.

Ask yourself what will your life look like in 1 year and in 5 years if you keep the same habits?

Next, what do you fill your mind with? Do you read books that inspire and motivate you or, are you feeding your mind a continuous diet of nightly news that leaves you feeling helpless, hopeless, and paralyzed in fear?

Some of you may think you need to be well informed? You may need to be informed but you certainly do not need to be inundated.

Thirdly, do you watch your words and really listen to what is uttered around you? Everything lives in language. Miguel Ruiz who shares the wisdom of the ancient Toltec expresses it beautifully in his book the "Four Agreements" - The word is the power you have to express and communicate, to think and thereby to create the events in your life. Your words can create the most beautiful dream, or your words can destroy everything around you.

What words have you internalized that do not serve you? What words to you believe to be true about yourself when if fact they are not? More importantly, what words do you speak on a daily basis? Is your internal mind chatter positive or negative? Have you told someone today that they are appreciated, valued and important?

In order to bring change into your life you must first become aware of your surroundings. Your awareness will then influence your choices, and your new choices will bring about new results.

Change can feel uncomfortable and hard at the beginning. However, if we remember that the greatest amount of energy needed for change is at the beginning of the process, we can feel encouraged knowing that the best is yet to come.

Doing something good for yourself sends a message deep inside you that says I am worth it and I deserve it. It is also very important for your children to see you treating yourself with the utmost respect. Success, Inner Peace and Joy do not appear magically on your doorstep. You need to create this environment.

Take the time to put down on paper what you want your life to look like. Then start taking steps towards that life. Start letting go of what does not serve you. You can choose to be a prisoner of your past or be the architect of your future.

Lynette Chartier

Monday, July 30, 2007

How To Achieve Your Goals Made Simple

Here is a simple illustration of how to achieve your goals.

Are you in vibrational harmony with them?

I've spent the past 3 days being seriously dragged down by a very persistent summer time cold. I'll spare you the details, but suffice to say I've been lethargic and pretty much forced to obey my body's demand to take a rest for a few days.

It's provided a wonderful opportunity to observe the contrast in my level of vibration.

If you've spent any time studying Law of Attraction, you will understand that in order to attract something you desire into your life, you must be in vibrational harmony with it. This is the biggest obstacle you must learn to overcome in learning to deliberately use Law of Attraction in your life.

When we saw Bob Proctor last month, he illustrated the concept perfectly. On a scale of 1 to 10, let's suppose your goal represents a vibration level of "8". If you are personally creating thoughts that create a vibration level of a "3", it doesn't matter how badly you want that goal, it's not going to manifest because you are not in alignment to it.

You are tuned in to the wrong frequency.

So your job is to deliberately raise your level of vibration so that it is a match.

What do you suppose a level "8" vibration might look or sound like?

Well, for me, I expect someone at that high a vibration is visualizing or revisiting the goal often throughout the day, always moving forward, is energetic, displays enthusiasm, acts confidently, has lots of fun, is passionate, etc.

You get the picture.

So your job -- my job -- is to consciously create vibrational harmony with the goals I desire. That's how to achieve your goals and it really is that simple.

Just review the attributes above; that's the only prescription for feeling better that I need to fill -- and I don't even need to go to the pharmacy to do it.!

Visit my website to learn how to apply Law of Attraction to create wealth and prosperity in your life. And don't forget to subscribe to my newsletter -- it's free.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Wake Up and Make A Decision

Have you made the decision to be happy? Are you happy?

Do you have fun living your life each day? Are you having fun living your life today, right now? If not, why not?

Wouldn’t it be terrific to wake up in the morning full of gratitude for the opportunity to live a great life today, and then to go out and live it? How would that make you feel? What would that look like for you? What would it sound like?

You can have all of that, and you can experience all of that; and you can begin to have this right now, starting today.

Do you believe me? Clearly there is something inside of you that, at the very least, wants to believe these words.

I spent 23 years of my adult life (not to mention most of my formative childhood years) believing that I had to live my life according to someone else’s rules. I was locked into a formula that was essentially prescribed to me by the environment (parents, schools, government, church, etc.) in which I was raised.

It went something like this: get a good education, get a good job, work hard and keep your nose to the grindstone, scrimp and save your money, put off what you’d love to do until later, avoid taking any risks, and if you’re lucky you’ll get to enjoy yourself in your twilight years.

Does this sound vaguely familiar?

In my particular case, it actually was working out reasonably well. I had a “good job”, was earning a reasonable salary and had achieved a degree of success in my life. Or at least that’s how it appeared on the outside.

But on the inside, I was miserable. I was caught up in the struggle of my day-to-day life – quite literally choosing to make it a struggle without ever realizing that’s what I was doing. I was in a sleep walk of day-to-day drudgery. I was most definitely not living the life of my dreams, the life I love.

Until one day I simply decided it was time to stop. I chose to wake up.

Finally there came a day when I simply couldn’t take it anymore and so I made the decision that it was time to stop. I made the decision to change the way I was living and to jump off of the treadmill. I made the decision to change my life. I made the decision to begin living my life on my terms.

The effect was magical. A thousand pound weight was lifted off my shoulders. I felt relieved. I felt alive. I felt inspired. I began actually enjoying my life.

And so now here I am suggesting to you that you can begin to live the life you want – the life you love – right now beginning today.

Because all it really takes is for you to make the decision.

Oh, I know that sounds simplistic. Yet it’s true, and deep down there’s a part of you that knows it’s true.

By truly making that decision – that single, mental decision – everything changes. Everything changes because your perspective changes.

For me, my decision led to some very explicit actions. I resigned from my job and decided to build my own business with my wife Michelle, from home. Frankly I had no idea how any of it was going to work and how we’d be able to pay the bills or keep the kids fed and clothed, except that I believed it would. Looking back now, I suppose I just knew it would.

Well, go figure, things have worked out beautifully. The sky didn’t fall. The world didn’t end. Things have certainly changed, mind you. We don’t hang out with all of the same people we used to. Our activities have become more focused on family and friends as opposed to fitting things around my job. We live a much more relaxed life. We have more fun. We have fun every day.

What about you? What do you love? What are the things you’d love to do right now with your life? Can you feel them calling you?

If you can, then listen to and follow them. For there is one thing that is absolutely true: there is no need to struggle in your life. You make real whatever you believe is real. This is the basic law of the universe, the law of attraction.

So the first thing to do is to let go of the notion that it’s different for you ,or that somehow you are not allowed to live the life you want. Let go of the notion that you’re somehow not deserving of that privilege. Stop marginalizing yourself.

You deserve to be happy and enjoy your life. That’s the whole point of living – to experience the joy of it.

Yes, the entire idea of following your bliss can be extremely frightening. And fear leads to all sorts of wild emotions, but that’s part of being human. Remember though, fear is all in your head. It’s all about what you imagine might happen. Those wild emotions that you feel as a result of your fears need not define you.

In his book, Conversations With God, Neale Donald Walsh tells us we have three tools of creation. They are thought, words, and action. It is your thoughts, your words, and your actions that define you – for they are the summation of who you are being.

So this begs the question, who do you want to be?

Get in touch with your own truth about who you want to be and then start being that person right now, today. Begin to live your passion and enjoy your life. It’s much easier than you suspect. It’s remarkably easy to let the “how” unfold; just let your inspiration be your guide.

Your inspiration will never misguide you. By being focused on who and what you want to be, you will be inspired to think the thoughts, speak the words and take the actions that make that being your reality. The more you are being, the more you’ll be doing and the more you’ll be having what you want. The more you will be living the life that you love. And so the circle repeats, over and over, with each cycle more strongly reinforcing who you are and what you love to be.

It’s a magnificent thing. It’s freedom.

And so now it is time for you to begin your path to living the life you love. Begin living the life you want right now.

Begin by making the decision. Begin today.

Visit my website at or feel free to email your feedback to

Saturday, June 30, 2007

What A Tremendous Liberty League Summit Conference

We just completed attending the Liberty League Summit Conference in Sydney, Australia.

What a tremendous event. What a tremendous experience. What a tremendous city.

What a tremendous opportunity!

Bob Proctor was brilliant. He is larger than life and we had goose bumps listening to him speak. My biggest take away: start with your largest fantasy of what you desire, become really clear about it, and the decide to have it — period. He perfectly describes the simplicity of a process I so often choose to make more complicated than it is.

And we walked on fire! Even our 12 year-old daughter, Jalyna, walked on fire. What an amazing experience to share as a family. And when I say family, I don’t mean just our immediate family, but our extended Liberty League family as well. The sense of community and support for each participant is extraordinary.

And then to cap it off we got to participate in an Intention Experiment and had the opportunity to review the evidence that intention is absolutely real and powerful.

This has been a brilliant conference and the memories will last a lifetime...yet another in an ongoing series of trips of a lifetime facilitated by Liberty League and its Liberty and Summit conferences.

We are very grateful for the opportunity to share this experience.

If you'd like to learn more about me, visit my website at Or feel free to email me at

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Are You Willing To Take Action?

Are you willing to take action in order to achieve what you want out of life? Or are you content to dream about a different life, but remain locked into the status quo of your past and present circumstances due to inaction?

We just completed an 8 day stay in Auckland, New Zealand. It's the first leg of a 3 week working vacation which also takes us to Sydney and Cairns, Australia.

As I've been reflecting on the week, I realize how truly blessed I am. And I'm overcome with gratitude at being able to see this amazing part of the world. Best of all, I'm able to do it with my family.

We were able to take our business with us, and at the same time took in such excursions as the Auckland Zoo, a day in Coromandel, a day a Rotorua visiting the geothermal attractions, and even a day on the "Shire" movie set from the Lord of The Rings trilogy.

But as I look at the week that was, I realize that none of these things would have been possible were it not for my willingness to take action.

Because I truly wanted something different than the corporate drone-like life I was living, I was willing to get uncomfortable by taking action. In many cases these were actions that were very foreign to me.

I took action by researching and learning about different business and income opportunities. I took action by choosing to get started in my own home based business. I took action by seeking out and connecting with successful entreprenuers and business people. I took action by committing to my learning through books and workshops. I took action by taking the leap and actually leaving my corporate job behind so that I could focus my energies full time on my business. I took action by committing to take my family on a trip to New Zealand and Australia (which is merely the latest in several "trips of a lifetime" we've taken over the past 2 years).

Even when I didn't know how it was all going to exactly work out, which was most of the time, I chose to trust in myself and the abundance of the universe and continue to take the actions necessary to move me closer to my goals.

Creating your new future means creating a new you. And that implies taking action to change the decisions you’ve been making, changing the thoughts you’ve been thinking and changing the actions you’ve been taking.

Remember, wealth and prosperity evade the person who chooses inaction. You must be willing to seize the opportunities as they are presented. Understand that the world is full of opportunities, but if you choose inaction, the opportunities pass you by.

I see this so often.

I see people get caught in analysis paralysis over whether or not to seize the opportunity that is in front of them.

It may be a business opportunity or new business idea. Or it may be an investment or a financial opportunity. Or perhaps it’s a new job offer.

I see them become so hesitant to make a decision about whether they are in or they are out that they literally choose not to take any action. And so then the opportunity is gone.

Isn't it interesting that most people's greatest regrets in life are around things they didn't take the opportunity to do?

Have you ever had any regrets over an action you chose not to take? An investment opportunity that you passed up which could have made you a fortune? A great idea that was worth a million bucks, but you sat on it and someone else has run with it?

What is the pattern of behaviour in your own life?

More importantly, what are the opportunities you have right now that merely require you to take the action.

Remember, you are the CEO of you – the leader of your own life. What would you expect the CEO of you to do?

Be the leader. Be courageous. Seize the moment.

Be a person of action and move steadfastly forward on the path towards your dreams.

And take action today. Then you, too, can begin to live many experiences of a life time.

Thanks for reading.

Visit my website at or feel free to email your comments or feedback at

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Change How You Look At Things And The Things You Look At Change

You've heard the saying "change the way you look at things and the things you look at change" -- right?

Allow me to share with you a wonderful little example that illustrates this point so well.

Yesterday we just completed the first leg of a 3 week trip we're taking to New Zealand and Australia. We're spending 8 days in Auckland, then fly to Sydney for 7 days, then fly to Cairns for 7 days before returning home to Canada. It's a great trip that provides the perfect example of the advantages we are blessed with by operating our own home based business -- we are able to take our business with us and still enjoy the trip of a lifetime.

Our travel time to Auckland spanned 39 hours from the time we left our house to the time we arrived at here at our hotel. We had stops in Vancouver, Honolulu, and Sydney on our way.

It's the flight -- or more specifically the landing -- in Sydney that I want to tell you about.

The leg from Honolulu to Sydney was about 10 and a half hours so it was a long flight. For the majority of passengers who started the trip from Vancouver, the flight was delayed by an hour in Vancouver and another hour or better in Honolulu (that delay was endured while we were on the plane and had to turn back to the gate to secure a trolley that came loose while we were taxiing for take-off).

Then, to top things off, about an hour or so after we left Honolulu there was an electrical problem with the video system, which led to some noisy crackling sounds and the smell of burning plastic filling the cabin from the overhead projector right above me.

As you can imagine, the idea of risking a cabin fire while at 34,000 feet above the Pacific Ocean did not appeal to anybody and the crew shut the video system down. So the flight now felt longer since there was no video entertainment to help pass the remaining 9 hours of the flight.

So it wasn't necessarily the most ideal trip by the time we approached Sydney.

But the best part was yet to come.

There was some "weather" in Sydney with rain and high winds. The last 20 minutes or so of our descent was very turbulent. As we approached the airport, our plane was lurching back and forth, side to side, and up and down. And it kept getting worse the closer we got to the ground.

The last few hundred feet put most amusement park rides to shame. It was breath taking, not necessarily in a good way for most of us on board. And the landing was very hard since we touched down on only the right hand side set of wheels first.

For a moment the plane swerved sharply and you could literally cut the tension in the cabin with a knife.

Except for my 4 year old son, Joshua.

For the last minute or so of the landing, his was the only voice in the cabin and he was providing a non-stop running commentary of the events. "Wow! This is awesome! Yee haa! All right! What a ride! Whoa! Yeahh! Race cars -- Wow! Can we do that AGAIN! That was FUN!"

As the plane shimmied back and forth leading many of us to wonder if it was going to catapult off the runway or flip over, my son was jubilant. After the the plane braked -- screeched is more like it -- very hard and finally came under control on the runway, he let out an exhuberant cheer celebrating the exhilaration of the ride.

"That was the best ride EVER! Can we do that AGAIN?!?"

A few seconds later, the rest of the passengers began a controlled, polite applause celebrating the fact we had landed safely. The crew chief announced to us over the intercom "Well, wasn't that the perfect ending to a perfect trip! Welcome to Sydney."

So here we were, all on the same plane ride, with the same circumstances and the same result. For most of the passengers on the plane, it was a plane ride from Hell. But for my 4 year old son, it was the "best plane ride ever".

What a tremendous lesson for me. In the space of a few moments I suddenly found myself looking at the flight quite differently. Without the video distractions, I was able to get in some quality reading time, got some decent sleep to ward off jet lag, was well fed, landed safely, and experienced a hell of a ride with an amazing landing.

What could be more perfect?

Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change. Thanks for the lesson, Joshua.

And thank You for reading.

Feel free to email me with your comments or feedback at or visit my website at

Monday, June 11, 2007

Stop Being Stuck In The Past

Are you stuck right now in your life?

Are you trapped because you are focused on your past rather than your future?

Here's what I mean by that.

So often a large part of why we are stuck is because we're focused on the past.

And because you are locked into your past decisions and outcomes, the tendency is to believe they are an accurate forecast of your future.

And they are, so long as you continue to make the same quality of decisions.

So the trick is to take responsibility for leading yourself to where you want to go rather than where you've been. You accomplish that by focusing on where you are going.

Once you are focused on where you are going, it enables you to make a decision to do something different to break the pattern that you've lived up to now.

So, ask yourself this question.

How do you like the results you've gotten so far?

If your answer is you'd like the results to be a lot better, then look steadfastly forward and stay very focused on where you are going.

You do that by reviewing your goals, which we've talked about previously.

Let where you are going serve as your guide to the decisions you make. And always make decisions that will move you closer to your goals.

Your results will immediately begin to improve.

So, at the risk of repeating myself, if you are stuck, odds are it's because you are primarily looking at what was or what is. Until you look at where you intend to go, nothing can change.

If there are things in your life you want to change, then take the personal responsibility to lead yourself.

Drop the drama of your past, release it , and move forward. One step at a time, focus clearly on where you are going and what step you can take today -- right now -- to move closer to that place.

Then repeat the process. Over and over day by day.

Visit my website at or feel free to email me with questions or feedback at

Subscribe to my weekly newsletter by clicking here now

7 Traps to Avoid with Law of Attraction

I am always amazed at the incredible tools, resources, books, conference calls, and tele-classes that are out there to help us move forward towards what we want to achieve. This past week was no different, great information came through my simple tool - the telephone. The particular call I listened to explained why some people are not getting the results they want with the Law of Attraction. I found the information valuable and trust you will too.

Here are the 7 traps we can get into:
1. Unclear Vision.
Some folks just do not have a clear vision. If you feel like you have to work really hard on the chosen vision, something is wrong. Your vision must be emotionally compelling and feel like it is pulling you along and that you are riding a wave. The FEELING needs to feel easy. If you are on the right track there is a magical quality about your vision.
So how does your vision feel to you? Spend time discovering what you really love to do.

2. Emotional Blockages
Too many folks are not clearing out emotional blockages when they come up. Without clearing these blocks you will self-sabotage. Deal immediately with negative emotions as they come up. Get relief first and you will feel like you are off and running. Then get resolution. There are a number of techniques and strategies out there to help you do that.

3. Not Completely Understanding Law of Attraction

Many folks may have listened to erroneous comments or have not paid close attention to the details of the Law of Attraction. Some don't take action. You need to take action as the law works through you. Some people think they only need to sit and think. You need to give the Universe a channel to get the goods to you and get course corrections. Napoleon Hill, Wallace Wattles and Charles Haanel all give great wisdom on this point.

Analogy: If you are not in your sailboat when the winds come, you will not be able to take the course corrections. The feedback you get is important and you must pay close attention to it.

When the steps are taken the doubt gets removed. You will stay in fear till you do take action. You will not know how you will achieve your goal but once the first step is taken the next step will appear. But without the first step, the how cannot appear.

See the results. Stay focused on results and the Universe will provide the results. The How to will be shown to you. If you try to figure it out you won't see the course corrections.

It is important to ask for what you are capable of. Remember you are so much more capable than you think. Do not ask the infinite intelligence for things that are completely menial. Do what you can and leave the harder stuff to the Universe.

The process adjusts to our mentality. Lots can happen very quickly.
The temptation that is dangerous is to let our self be controlled by what we think is possible.

4. Premature Over Planning in the Visualization
At the beginning it is important to not get submerged into too many details of the vision, otherwise visualizing can feel like work and lose its fun component. Some analytical minds get so caught up in the details that they start vibrating a feeling of overwhelm and inadequacy. You want to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Keep a 35,000-foot over view. Do not get stuck in the mentality that you must do it all yourself. We need to stay out of our way. You do that by staying focused on the result. Take the beginning action and see what unfolds.

5. Ignoring the Bliss Principal
Follow your inspiration, your joy and you will attract everything you need.
If it feels like a struggle you are on the wrong track. It is crucial to FEEL GOOD and to FEEL ALIVE.

There is a temptation to think that we are doing it wrong. You will encounter obstacles but that does not mean you are doing it wrong.
Beating the drum of "What am I doing wrong? What am I doing wrong?" becomes what is wrong.

6. Ignoring the Expansive Principal
Being an expansive person means you more than fill your current position. If you are in a dysfunctional environment and more than fill your current position, know that it is quite possible that you will be disliked. If you re in a positive environment people will appreciate you and encourage you.
An expansive person has high energy, is positive, and is someone who is always advancing. This is a very powerful yet hidden principal. You must become the person you see yourself as and put your self in that position.

Am I affecting those around me positively?

7. Focusing too much on getting what you want.

Focusing too hard and too much on getting what you want, creates doubt and a feeling of lack. You must learn to create value for others and then the more we give, the more we get. Too much focus on getting means you have lost the vision. The giving to others must be part of the vision. We need to see how we can give in relationships, in business, and in love.

These are the seven traps that people can fall into when working with the Law of Attraction, according to Dr. Symeon Rodger.

Be constantly grateful. Be thanksgiving. That means you remain constantly upbeat. Giving thanks will make you feel better. It is important to note that this is not just an intellectual concept but rather something you must feel. You need to give thanks frequently so that it becomes a default mentality. Dr. Symeon suggests for starters giving thanks 3 x a day. Then increase this to 5 x a day. Then try and stay grateful for 30 minutes at a time. All ancient traditions state that there is no better faster way to connect with Source than to give thanks.

Focus on the immediate vision - your day at hand and 6 months out. It must inspire you. If it seems life fun you are then on the right track. Inspiration is an absolute principal of life... beyond us.

Joy is the fuel of the Law of Attraction.
Take action yet do not trespass into the How to.
Ask for guidance and source will give it to you.
Always aim your action at being of service to others; adding value.
Always keep in mind how you feel moment to moment.
Happiness is often talked about in superficial ways and in circumstances around us. Joy goes much further.

Practice these steps. Take action. Be persistent. Be patient and watch the magic happen.

Lynette Chartier

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

What's Your Financial IQ?

How would you score your your financial IQ and the level of your financial education?

Do you ever find yourself afraid to take a particular action, particularly when it comes to your financial affairs, simply because you're don't know what to do?

You know what I mean. You're afraid of losing money and so you are indecisive about what to do with your money to make it grow.

And because you are afraid of losing it, you let the fear lead you to inaction. And so now you're stuck because nothing has changed.

You can relate, right? Most of us experience this at some point in our life.

So, what is it that can allow you to overcome those fears which are trapping you in a cycle of inaction?

The answer is education. Specifically, financial education.

Education is growth. And growth is the only evidence of life.

So why wouldn't you invest in your own growth? It's paramount to your success.

An excellent book that deals with the concept of financial education and why it is so important is Why We Want You To Be Rich, by Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki.

In their book, Trump and Kiyosaki talk about a number of trends and factors that are aligning into a "perfect storm" of sort that can have frightening implications to your financial future.

I believe it is your job to educate yourself about these trends and factors so that you can lead yourself with regard to your financial affairs.

Learn about things such as the growing trade deficit, the exponentially growing US debt, the declining US dollar, the fact that a huge number of baby boomers are on the verge of retirement without enough money to do so, the financial condition of our social programs, what's driving rising oil and energy prices, and so on.

This is what financial education is all about.

You see, the more I've learned over the years, the more I realize I just don't know.

But with an investment of a couple of hours a week, you can begin to position yourself so that you can have full responsibility and control over your financial life. You position yourself through some education.

Become informed enough that you can function as a generalist, directing the professionals or experts, with which you engage in your wealth building affairs.

It's your life, and your financial well being, so start driving your own car.

And it doesn't need to be anywhere as complicated as you've been led to believe.

There are a number of very informative books and newsletters to which you can subscribe that will give you tremendous guidance to assist with your financial education.

And a great place to start is to pick up Trump and Kiyosaki's book.

Click Here to Buy Why We Want You To Be Rich from Now

Visit my website at or feel free to email me any feedback or questions at

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Visualization As Part Of A Daily Success Regimen

Visualization is a very complementary activity to assisting you in achieving your goals.

So make a point of using it daily.

You've heard of the athlete in training using visualization as a part of their training routine.

Training for, say the 100 meter dash, one of the activities the athlete will undertake is a complete visualization of the entire race.

From the starting blocks right through to the finish line, the athlete visualizes every movement - the legs churning, the arms moving, the eyes focused straight ahead, the posture being maintained, the breathing, all of it.

By the time the race occurs, the athlete has run the race hundred or even thousands of time in his or her mind.

Now get this, you don't need to be an athlete to harness the power of visualization.

You can use this process in your personal life to assist you in achieving your personal goals.

The visualization process helps your goals become accessible to you. It's a technique which allows you to develop an emotional attachment around your goals.

And it helps create an expectation of success.

This expectation of success, in turn, will lead you to take actions that are in harmony with your goals. In this way, you increase the speed at which you are moving closer to your goals.

So harness the power of visualization as part of your daily routine.

Just as it is so powerful to review your goals for a few moments daily, so is it very powerful to spend 5 or 10 minutes visualizing yourself achieving and experiencing your goals.

Make it real, taste it, hear it, touch it, smell it. Allow yourself to actually become emotionally involved in the visualization of your achieving your goals.

You will be pleasantly surprised at the impact this will have in your life.

Visit my website at or feel free to email me with feedback or questions at

Sunday, May 20, 2007

How To Build Beliefs That Serve You

Your belief system is the key to your ability to create what you want out of life. And if you are dissatisfied with the results you've gotten so far, all that is required to change the outcome is to change your beliefs.

A change in beliefs is accomplished by practicing new habits of thinking.

Now that can be easier said than done.

First, let me back up for a minute. Beliefs are nothing more than a habit of thinking. Think a particular thought often enough and you will accept it to be true.

The challenge with your belief system is that few if any of the beliefs you hold are in fact yours. They are instead beliefs you were taught and adopted.

These came primarily from your parents, grandparents, school, church, government and the media through the messages you received during your formative years.

Hence, you carry beliefs (probably) such as “I must work hard to make end’s meat” or “I don’t deserve to be rich and successful”.

Well ... how well do you suppose these beliefs are serving you in your desire to live an easier life or to become rich and successful?

It’s though leveraging the Law of Attraction that you can create what you want out of life. You see, at a metaphysical level, everything is energy – including thought. And all energy carries a vibration at a particular frequency.

That which vibrates at a particular frequency tends to attract more of the same – like attracts like.

Simply put, you get what you focus on.

So let’s get back to beliefs.

Beliefs are a habit of thinking. They are thoughts we’ve adopted as a habit.

These thoughts lead to specific feelings, and it’s the feelings that then lead us to words and actions which lead to a particular outcome.

We can deliberately develop new habits of thinking that serve us more effectively in creating what we want by following a simple daily process.

Follow the process for about 30 days, and you’ve built new habits of thinking – specifically new beliefs.

A terrific little book that neatly lays out a simple process by which you can reshape your beliefs and deliberately apply the principles of the Law of Attraction is titled “Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don't” by Michael Losier.

You can buy Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don't from Amazon by clicking here.

I highly recommend the book as a great way to begin to practically apply the concepts of deliberate thought, beliefs and use of Law of Attraction in your life.

Visit my website at
And feel free to send me your feedback or questions by emailing me at

Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Truth About Home Based Businesses

Today, I'm going to share some stark truths about home based businesses.

Now I'm going to assert right up front that the secret to being successful – not only at a home based business, but at anything in life – is to get out of your own way.

With that having been said, here are some dirty secrets – the realities of home based business that the marketing masters will rarely if ever share with you. Most marketers won’t publicly talk about these truths. But they are vital to your understanding of how to be successful.

If anyone can truly be successful in a home business, then it stands to reason that most people must be successful, doesn’t it? Or, at the very least, a reasonable percentage of people must be successful – right?

Well … no, that’s not exactly the case.

Here's a harsh reality about home based businesses:

95% of people who start a home business fail – they don’t ever end up breaking even on the money they spend to launch and operate their business.

So how do you feel about starting a home business now?

Well, before you get too discouraged, let’s dig a little deeper. The truth is that statistic is pretty much the same as for any business. 95% of all businesses fail.

So what’s really going on? Why are most people failing at their home business? Why are most people failing at business?

I've learned that anyone – even you – can truly be successful with your own home based business.

Or rather, that is anyone can be successful if you learn to get out of your own way.

Here are a few additional realities for you to ponder.

  1. The average person quits his or her business after being told “No” … get this … three times. Three times!
  2. 80% of home business operators never end up calling their sales leads
  3. 95% of businesses fail because they are under capitalized – that is they don’t line up and have enough money to fund their ongoing costs
  4. Of the remaining businesses that fail, 95% fail because of a lack of proper systems and controls

Do you see how these points are all examples of people getting in their own way?

I want to be successful, but I can’t deal with rejection.

I want to be successful, but I can’t bring myself to call my leads.

I want to be successful, but I haven’t bothered to establish a budget and find proper financing.

I want to be successful, but I don’t know how to manage my time and business.

Each of these is a function of improper mindset, improper planning, or improper practices.

So, if you wish to be successful – and remember anyone can – then you first must learn to get out of your own way.

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Thursday, May 10, 2007

The History of Network Marketing (Part 3)

Okay, so let's continue with our summary of the history of network marketing. This is the third and final part of this article.

Amway and its multi-level structure were targeted by the FTC partly in response to a proliferation of pyramid programs in the 1970s. In these illegal pyramids, money was the only commodity or “value” that moved through the program. There was no underlying product or service.

Schemes were developed whose only purpose was specifically to recruit others into the program. It was the emergence of several high profile schemes that led to a rash of regulatory requirements and the ultimate targeting of MLM as a structure. It also led to the clarification of speculative or fraudulent schemes and legitimate direct sales activities.

The Amway Safeguard Rule identifies three key points which ensure the validity of the opportunity. It was the existence of these three points as part of the Amway structure that led the court to conclude the business was not an illegal pyramid.

These therefore are important criteria with which to assess any network marketing or MLM opportunity and establish whether it is in fact legal as opposed to “one of those pyramid scams”.

  1. Does the opportunity require the retail sale of products or services before one can qualify for any recruiting commissions or sales?
  2. Does the opportunity have a mechanism in place to prevent the stockpiling of inventory of physical products with no intention of reselling?
  3. Does the opportunity offer representatives who choose to leave a buy-back provision on unsold, unopened inventory or products?

The term “network marketing” became popular in the 1980s.

It was partly coined as a way of getting away from the stigma of MLM.

Ultimately, direct sales and multi-level marketing are distinct subsets within the overall network marketing industry. In simplistic terms, they can be defined this way:

Direct selling is where the profit or commission for a retail sale is paid to one person.

Multi-level marketing is where the profit or commission for a retail sale is shared with an up-line (or recruiter). Typically there are also bonuses paid based on recruiting activity, so long as the recruiting is accompanied with ongoing retail sales activity.

Finally, network marketing gained a strong degree of legitimacy in the 1990s and into the 21st century.

A number of very well known and respected authors and business people began to lend their public endorsement to the industry. People such as Brian Tracy, Robert Kiyosaki, Paul Zane Pilzer, Jim Rohn, and even Donald Trump began to openly talk about the merits of the industry and, in fact, encouraged people to consider it.

At the same time, network marketing morphed into a proven, preferred method of product distribution by some of the largest companies on the planet.

Corporations came to the conclusion that network marketing, as a distribution channel, offered many advantages, not the least of which is that it’s lower cost.

Commissions are only paid on the sale of product or services and the structure allows the companies to offload much of the time and training requirements onto its representatives, who are incented to train the new representative they recruit.

In particular for new product launches, network marketing distribution allowed companies to avoid costly traditional advertising campaigns.

Pretty soon telecommunications companies, travel companies, satellite providers, financial services companies, and many other industries joined the party. Today there are literally thousands upon thousands of network marketing based companies operating throughout the world.

Today, network marketing is a +$100 billion dollar industry.

So there you have it, we’ve come full circle. The history of network marketing in about 1700 words or so.

So now let me ask you this question. Do you still feel as though there is a reason to feel ashamed or embarrassed to admit you are involved in network marketing?

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And as always, if you have questions about my posts or what I do, feel free to call me at +1-204-878-4564. I'm in the central time zone (GMT-6), so be nice about when you call!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

The History Of Network Marketing (Part 2)

While we're talking about the hisory of network marketing, the term “network marketing” specifically is 20th century creation.

Its’ genesis lies in the post World War era of the late 40s and early 50s. This was the dawning of the era of the subdivision in which genuine neighborhoods flourished with their own circle of trusting relationships and backyard barbeques.

It is out of this trend that the term “belly to belly” marketing – or warm market as you may better recognize it – was coined.

A company named California Vitamins came to the realization that many of their new sales recruits were in fact friends and family of their existing sales force. These new recruits’ primary motivation to becoming a sales associate was that they wanted the products for themselves at the wholesale cost.

That led the company to recognize it was easier to build a sales force with a lot of people who sell a small amount of product, than it was to find a small number of top sellers who would move mountains of product.

And so California Vitamins designed a revolutionary sales compensation model encouraging their salespeople to invite new representatives from satisfied customers, most of whom were family and friends. Each of those new representatives in turn had the same right to offer the product and opportunity to become a representative to others.

This allowed the sales force to grow exponentially. The company rewarded its representatives for the sales produced by their entire group – or network – of sales representatives. And so multi-level marketing was born.

It was also during this time that the home party plan was introduced.

The original party plan was the Stanley Hostess Party Plan, by Stanley Home Products. The focus of the party plan was to demonstrate the myriad of uses and benefits of the products right in the home. Out of the original Stanley dealer roster came the founders of such future marketing program giants as Mary Kay and Tupperware.

The introduction of the multi-level, person-to-person sales program in the mid 1950s coincided with another pair of new giants arriving on the scene. First, Shaklee was launched. Then, a couple of years later, in 1959, came the birth of Amway.

The term multi-level marketing, or MLM, became a part of the industry lexicon.

And the direct selling industry would never be the same.

The popular notion that MLM companies really gained steam in the mid 1970s when the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) charged that Amway and its multi-level marketing structure constituted an illegal pyramid.

This made lots of headlines in the mainstream press.

In fact, in 1979 the court sided with Amway and deemed its multi-level marketing structure valid and legal and that its model represented a legitimate business opportunity.

Out of that court decision, the “Amway Safeguard Rule” set the legal standard for direct selling, multi-level, and network marketing based companies going forward. And it became one of the most profound milestones in the recent history of network marketing.

However, the myth of all MLMs or network marketing opportunities being pyramids lives on.

Visit my website at or feel free to email me at if you'd like to hear more from me Subscribe to my weekly newsletter by clicking here now.

And as always, if you have questions about my posts or what I do, feel free to call me at +1-204-878-4564. I'm in the central time zone (GMT-6), so be nice about when you call!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Sppiritual Selling

Folks, if you have not yet listened to the Joe Nunziata's recorded call in our "Bonus Audios section, I highly recommend you make it a priority. We have by now, all heard of the Secret and we are working at applying it in our lives...Well during this Ultimate Network Marketer session, Joe revealed to us why so few people actually get the desired results when promoting products or services. He spoke of what we need to do and just as importantly, what we need to stop doing. He spoke of how to Be the person folks will be attracted to doing business with. You see, it's really all about an inside job.

Too many folks are still trapped in the mentality of you can't make money and really enjoy what you are doing. We need to work on some of our false beliefs and vibrate from a different place. Furthermore, Joe made it very clear that people are FEELING us more than hearing us. What messages are we subconsciously putting out?

If you have not yet obtained your desired results, this is an important call to listen and relisten to.

Make it a great day!

Lynette Chartier

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Should you have any questions or comments about my posts, or you simply want to know more about what I do, feel free to call me at 204-290-8802.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

The History of Network Marketing (Part 1)

As participants in Liberty League International, we are a part of the network marketing industry, and the network marketing industry has quite a storied history. And being a part of network marketing can be a cause of some anxiety for people.

What about you?

Do you find yourself sometimes feeling embarrassed to admit you are in network marketing or, if you’re not in it yet, are you embarrassed to admit you are seriously considering it?

If so … why?

What is it about your beliefs around network marketing that lead you to have these feelings?

Network marketing today

Network marketing is a +$100 billion dollar per year industry which represents an accessible way for the average person to launch a legitimate business with the potential of generating very substantial income.

It offers the opportunity to launch a business on a part-time basis, and then growing that into a full-time (or more) income. And it requires the least amount of start-up capital and ongoing operating expense of virtually any legitimate business model.

It is responsible for enabling the creation of an untold number of millionaires.

Paul Zane Pilzer, a world renowned economist and college professor, goes so far as to predict that over 10 million new millionaires will be created through network marketing over the next 10 years.

If this is true, why on earth would you feel ashamed or embarrassed to be part of this industry?

Well, there’s a lot history behind network marketing. So let’s review that history for a few moments and perhaps it will shed some light on where a lot of your feelings and attitudes around the industry may have come from.

The History of Network Marketing

Network Marketing as a means of product distribution – which is really all that it is – has been around literally forever.

You can go back through history and the establishment of trade routes and find examples of traders who distributed goods, food, and fur, face-to-face, on behalf of various backers. Sometimes these backers were rulers of a country, sometimes they were powerful individuals, and sometimes they were large businesses or companies.

The North American history of the notion of direct selling can be traced back to the 1600’s. For example, the Voyageurs established fur trading routes and posts on behalf of the Hudson Bay Company. The Hudson Bay Company itself relied upon the influence of Prince Rupert, who was the cousin of King Charles II, to acquire the Royal Charter which, in May, 1670 granted the lands of the Hudson Bay watershed to "the Governor and Company of Adventurers of England trading into Hudson Bay."

In New England, in the mid 1700’s, began the phenomenon of the Yankee Peddler, in which peddlers would travel in their cart home to home throughout the countryside, selling their wares.

From there evolved the concept of the door-to-door salesman. The Watkins Company was launched in 1868, selling a popular liniment. The late 1800s saw the spawning of new companies employing door-to-door salesmen to distribute bibles, books, spices, remedies, perfumes, tonics and the like. The California Perfume Company, which later became better known as Avon, was founded in the late 1800s.

The Fuller Brush Company debuted in the early 1900s and it was Alfred Fuller who is credited with transforming door-to-door direct selling into something different. Rather than positioning himself as a salesman who sold brushes and focusing on the features of the brushes, he instead focused his attention on selling the benefits of his brushes to the consumers.

This is referred to as “empowering the consumer”.

His entire company vision was crafted in the context of the service he was able to provide to his customer. The approach was revolutionary.

The early 1900’s also saw the emergence of vacuum cleaner and encyclopedia companies such as Electrolux, World Book and Britannica.

It was a new age.

And that's where we'll pick up the story in Part 2.

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If you have questions about my posts or what I do, feel free to call me at +1-204-878-4564. I'm in the central time zone (GMT-6), so be nice about when you call!