Friday, March 7, 2008

Were You Inspired By The Big Give?

Last Sunday evening Oprah's first episode of The Big Give aired and like many other hundreds of thousands of viewers, I sat down to watch. I must say that I do not watch T.V. more than once every few months. It's just not my thing.

However, this show promised to be something very unique, inspiring, and positive. What added a lot of fun to the viewing of the Big Give was that we were about 700 + Braveheartwomen on a conference call watching at the same time, and connecting during the commercial breaks. Were You Inspired by The Big Give?

You see world class speaker and trainer Ellie Drake had invited us to join her on this call as she had been inspired by Oprah to herself find a way to give in a big way. Visit

The goal was that in 24 hours those of us listening would help raise $100,000.00 to help improve 10 homes in New Orleans. Ellie created a circumstance where we could each be a part of something that was bigger than ourselves. Through her leadership she demonstrated once again the principle of Together Everyone Achieves More.

Not only was the goal achieved and the $100,000.00 raised, the participants were inspired to positive action and the ripple effects are just starting. Now the members of this wonderful community are questioning themselves on how they can make a difference in their circle of influence and continue the theme of giving.

So allow me to leave you with this question to ponder:

How many ways of giving can you come up with? Remember you do not need to have money to give.

Go out there and give one of the greatest gifts of all and that is to be your authentic best self every day!

Thank you for giving me your time and attention.

In gratitude,

Lynette Chartier

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