Thursday, January 3, 2008

Have You Pushed Your Personal Success Reset Button for 2008?

The New Year is upon us, fresh in all ways and ready for us to make the most of it, and create the personal success we desire. So have you pushed your own personal success reset button for 2008?

I was inspired this morning to look back at one year ago and see what I had decided to reach for in 2007. I had listed among the many goals deeper connection with my loved ones, further improved health, my first $10,000.00 profit day, a trip to Mexico, to Montreal, and Australia, assistance in the area of marketing, a further understanding of Internet marketing, house renovations, and so on. I am pleased that I reached many of my goals. Some I did not fully complete yet I took many steps towards them, and I am much closer today than I was a year ago. Furthermore, I was blessed with much learning and personal growth that are taking me towards the personal success I desire.

We as humans are wired to learn, to grow and to expand into the beings we want to Be, Do and Have. That is how we differ from other living creatures. We have a choice as to the path we take.

The beginning of the new year marks one such choice point; the point that you get to choose where you want to be in life and start the journey towards that destination. Each day we get to press the Reset button and choose how we will move through the day. Each new year we get to press the Reset button and decide what we will reach for that year. This is the best time to press your Reset button and decide what you will reach for in 2008, in order to move you closer to your desired personal success.

The following questions will assist you in pushing the Reset button:

What is the ideal me looking like in 2008?

What am I choosing to Be, Do and Have? Am I continually choosing to be better and more, yet being grateful for where I am and what I have?

Am I choosing to be awakened to personal growth and development?

Through personal development you will be able to cross the bridge that leads you from where you are to where you want your personal success to be.

Whatever it is that you want to create, you must look at your mind set. If you want to create wealth and have a $5,000.00 a month mind set, even though you are given a $50,000.00 a month opportunity, you will invariably turn the $50,000.00 a month opportunity into a $5,000.00 income. Your mind set determines your personal success. Therefore part of the process in pressing the Reset button is choosing the path of personal growth and expanding your mind set.

May 2008 bless you with perfectly restored health, loving relationships, wealth, success, abundance in all ways, always.

"You don't get to choose how or when you're going to die. You can only decide how you're going to live. Now." Joan Baez

Lynette Chartier

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