Sunday, April 15, 2007

Do You Have A Wealthy Mindset For Success? (Part 2)

This is a continuation of yesterday's topic. Do you have a wealthy mindset?

Here are the second ten of the the Top 20 Principles of the Wealthy

11. Broke people work by the hour. Wealthy people work by the month.

12. Broke people want to know that after 1 hour of work they have something to show for it. Wealthy people find broke people who think like that – and make them their employees.

13. Broke people get excited when they just get hired. Wealthy people think it is funny someone can be fooled that easily; they are just making a wealthy person wealthier.

14. Broke people complain a lot. Wealthy people are thankful no one shot at them today, that they didn't have to fight in a war, and that they don't have a job.

15. Broke people are more concerned about what other people are doing. Wealthy people are only concerned about what they can be doing to get more done.

16. Broke people think that if no one is doing something, it must suck. Wealthy people think that if no one is doing something, it means more money for them.

17. Broke people think if everyone (all 200 people at a meeting in a city of 1 million) is doing something, the market must be saturated. Wealthy people think that broke people aren't very bright.

18. Broke people think it is okay for others to live where they want to live, drive what they want to drive, and do what they want to do. Wealthy people expect to live where they want to live, drive what they want to drive, and do what they want to do.

19. Broke people are accepting of the fact they cannot do these things. Wealthy people get sick just thinking about being average.

20. Broke people think that other people's opinions are worth more than their dreams. Wealthy people think that their dreams are worth more than other people's opinions.

You must learn to be wealthy. You must learn from the Broke and neither do what they do, nor think what they think.

The best thing you can do for a Broke person ... is to not be counted as one.

Thanks for reading.

Warren Wojnowski

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If you have questions about my posts or what I do, feel free to call me at 1-204-878-4564. I'm in the central time zone, so be nice about when you call!

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