Friday, May 9, 2008

Are you Being The Captain Of Your Ship?

Being the captain/leader of your life - do you sometimes forget that you are the captain/leader and go back to playing the game of life as the passenger or deckhand?

When it comes to your life, you are the captain, whether you choose to act like one or not. The captain is the captain of the ship, when the weather is good or the weather is bad. In bad weather, he remembers he is the captain and makes the necessary adjustments to get his ship, his crew, and his passengers safely and happily into harbor. He may not enjoy every minute of his journey but he is required to get the job done.

How many of us keep in mind that we are the captain/the leader of our life and keep steering the ship even in rough seas? Or are you one of those who prefers to hand the wheel to someone else and pretend that you are the passenger or even the deckhand?

When we forget who we are, and we forget where we are going, it is very easy to get off course and land where we are not wanting to go.

The captain of the ship does not see his destination until he is almost upon it.Yet, with his vision in mind, he has faith that by doing the right things over and over again, that he will arrive into the desired harbor. Then the drama of small or not so small events doesn't get to him.

You, just like the captain of the ship, need to have a clear vision by which you guide your life. The goal/the intention that you set for yourself is like the light house and you would be served well to remember to take incremental, consistent steps towards that light house.

Remember, the captain does not see the destination for the first 98% of the time - it is only when he is almost upon it that he sees the harbor.

Life is like that, you create the vision for what you desire your life to look like and then you must trust, have blind faith that by taking consistent right action, that you will arrive.

However when we forget where we are going and we do not see the destination right away, we can get pretty discouraged and sometimes we choose to abandon ship. That is not the solution.

Next time we will see how creating a powerful vision can pull you forward when you are not seeing the harbor.

Lynette Chartier 204-290-8802

And until next time I invite you to go to and download my Free E-book where you will find practical tips and strategies to assist you in being the captain of your ship as well as receive your Free consultation to help you chart your new course.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

You Win By Losing

It dawned on me the other day that there are multiple ways to look at winning and losing but the the most crippling type of win is the win to lose scenario.

Believe it or not there are people who find righteousness in losing at life. They come up with reasons, stories and excuses that support their position and they feed off of the sympathy and concern for their well being from others.

When your looking from the bottom up it can at times seem very disheartening to find the inner strength to move up the mountain. Has this ever happened to you?

You can tell rather quickly the type of person you are by how you react in these situations. You either put your creative thinking cap on or you put on you victim suit.

When the victim suit goes on everybody knows. You gripe and complain about the situation you have, through choices of your choosing and decisions of your making, put yourself there but are generally not prepared to accept this as a rule.

This type of person will blame others and duck responsibility and invariably find fault in every thing but themselves. This is a sure-fire recipe for unhappiness and misfortune. Do you know anybody like this... perhaps intimately?

Don't sweat it, everybody saw it and accepted you anyway (or not), but what you may have noticed is the opportunity for advancement became less and less, friends maybe got a little more distant and unfortunate events seemed to be a more-often-than-not occurrence.

So what does this all mean? Well, it means the people who complain that their lives are getting worse and worse, really are experiencing their lives getting worse and worse.

Here's something else to keep in mind: What you think about, you bring about, and if you want your life to improve then by golly you need to improve. Take responsibility, stand in the breach of desire and take what is yours. Your life was never meant to be a struggle. Life is not a parking lot, it is a highway, now go drive!

D. Paul Walmsley

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