Friday, April 18, 2008

Your Potential - Are You Settling For Mediocrity Or Are You Striving To Achieve Your Potential?

Your human potential is something that is worth fighting for every day.

While visiting the Colosseum in Rome, I was reminded of the gladiators who fought for their lives. You might be wondering how that fits here?

While the gladiators fought for their lives and the opportunity to live just a little big longer, you are not in that kind of situation; yet, are you fighting for your potential or accepting to follow the masses and stand in mediocrity?

If you are an individual suffering from success anorexia - here are three steps you can take to start reversing this limiting condition.

#1. Identify someone who can love and support you unconditionally.

While this may sound touchy feely to some of you, reality is we all need the unconditional support, and encouragement of someone like a coach, a teacher, or a mentor to become all that we can be.

#2. Become willing to succeed.

Few people realize that what we want is also what we fear. No matter how many "How to books of success..." you read, or seminars you attend, if you're subconsciously afraid of success, you will not be letting yourself succeed. You will find ways to self sabotage.

How do you overcome your fear of success?

"Eighty percent of success is showing up." Woody Allen

You know how some people, when they have a difficult decision to make, write down the pros and cons for the decision and proceed from there; well do the same here - sit down with your vision of success, and write down the pros and cons.

You might be wondering what are the drawbacks of success.

Perhaps you are subconsciously worried that you may have to face your fear of the unfamiliar.

Perhaps you will have to deal with the folks you currently hang around with, being jealous of you or no longer wanting to be with you.

What if people expect you to do and be more than you think you can?

Get the drawbacks and benefits to success down on paper. You can finally face, and start overcoming your subconscious/conscious fears.

#3. Establish Personal Time.

Set a time and place where the focus is You. This is vital. Too many people are overwhelmed by their To do list.

Setting time aside just for you, is the only way you can learn that the world won't end if you take time for yourself. This can one of the hardest steps for people to take, because of the guilt you may feel when you do something for You.

We are victims of circumstances which we created. I learned that by stopping myself from success- not only was I not helping others but that I was actually hurting those I love.

So today give yourself permission to succeed and develop your potential.

And as I my gift to you go to and download my Free E-book 10 Steps On The Journey to Success and Personal Development.

Make it a great day!

Lynette Chartier


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Your voice - Have You discovered Yours Yet?

Everyone has a voice that needs to be discovered. Have you discovered yours yet?

In my travels, I was once again reminded that we each have a voice and a unique message to deliver to the world. We each have a story that someone else is waiting to hear - that only we can say in our own unique way. Now your message may be delivered in a variety of ways - art, music, a song you sing, a book, an article, a blog, a speech, a sport you play, and so on.

I know some of you are thinking - I have no message. No one would want to hear or see what I have to express, or better yet my message is not that important. Wrong!

You have a greatness within you - don't let yourself be stopped by your limited thinking. However in order to become more, you need to see yourself as more. You need to understand and wrap your head around the fact that there is more in you than you can ever imagine.

Actually the great folks we hear about, who achieve in every field are not the exception, but rather they are the example. You have greatness in you - it may just be dormant at the moment.

You do not have to be great to start, but you need to start to be great.

The problem is not that we aim too high and miss - the problem is that we aim too low and hit. You actually owe it to the world to discover your voice, and share your message. How you will choose to express your voice is completely up to you.

Personally I have made the commitment to discover my voice at a deeper level - to be a messenger of hope, to help stop the negative thoughts others may have about themselves. My message is all about promoting the human potential. And I know that I am far from having reached my potential - but I am most certainly on my way!

Have you been suffering from possibility blindness?

The only thing that counts is what is happening within you. Stop making yourself a prisoner of your own thoughts and words.

What leadership, which talents and gifts will die with you if you do not discover and express your voice?

Greatness is within you. Greatness is a choice. Choose today who you will serve.

And now I would like to offer you free access to a daily reader - that can assist you in discovering your potential, when you subscribe to the Power Is In Your Hands.

You can get access now at

I am here to introduce you to a part of yourself that you do not yet know, and help you get started on your path to discovering your voice.

Lynette Chartier


Sunday, April 13, 2008

Freedom-Do What You Want, When You Want, With Those You Love.

Freedom - what is it for you? For me Freedom is having the resources and the time to do what I want, when I want, with those I love and admire. To me that is worth striving for.

I have come to realize that there are two kinds of freedom. Freedom - something that you are moving towards or Freedom - something that you are moving away from. Let me explain.

You are either moving towards what you want, having a clear vision in mind. Or, you are taking minor steps to move away from the present discomfort and pain of a particular situation. In other words, you are temporarily alleviating the problem, and not really taking the necessary steps to get you to your desired destination. That is a very short term solution. And then you usually end up repeating the same behaviors patterns that do not work.

I have chosen to move towards my freedom, a bigger more expansive rewarding life - a life where I can be on purpose, serving others, and being satisfied and fulfilled.

Having said that, in order to have external freedom - defined as the physical manifestations of my desires - time and money to do what I want, I must first cultivate my internal freedom.

Internal freedom comes when you are finally able to shed limiting thoughts and beliefs, when you can let go of your self consciousness, and fear of what others might think and say about you. Internal freedom means you have self confidence, and a quiet knowing of who you are, and where you are going.

Developing and cultivating this internal freedom occurs through personal development. It takes time and effort. It does not need to be painful, however, there are moments that might be rather uncomfortable. At other times it may all be rather enjoyable.

Regardless of the process you choose for achieving internal freedom, you will no doubt feel liberated as you get to know the real you. You will wonder how you could have lived with yourself all these years, and yet not really know yourself.

You can start moving towards your internal freedom by:
Hanging out with folks who believe in your potential and will support you.

Reading 10-15 pages of empowering material every day.

Listening over and over again to empowering audios.

Retraining your thinking every day.

Giving yourself a vision of being, doing and having more.

Always emulating those who are achieving the success you desire

Marianne Williamson: And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

And now I would like to offer you a Free 20 minute consultation, when you visit

Lynette Chartier


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

When In Rome...Shift Happens!

One week in Rome, shift happens, and I come back a different lady.

Having spent 7 days in Rome, experiencing a premium personal development conference, taken in the phenomenal historical sights, and spending time with empowering individuals... has left me with a clearer sense of whom I am, and a bigger vision for my life. I have come back home empowered to go forward toward my dreams and ready to help more people recognize their greatness within. What an incredible gift this past week has been.

Here are some of the highlights that made this week magical. Starting with the end in mind...the conference participants celebrated the event with a roman gala toga party. Believe me this was no ordinary party!

First of all this conference meeting room had been transformed to another place and time ... with roman columns, murals, statues, red velvet curtains, beautifully set tables with fruit center pieces, and jugs of wine. We were served an exquisite 5 course roman meal, with each course introduced by a flame eater and brought in by "roman soldiers".

In between courses we were entertained by belly dancers and gladiators. The live band played for hours and had no trouble getting the masses dancing. The entire evening was a superb celebration of life, filled with much camaraderie, fun, and laughter.

The conference organizers brought to us three speakers highly successful in their own respective fields. Therefore the learning was rich and varied. Describing what I heard and learned certainly does not do justice to the inspiring and informative talks delivered. However, perhaps it will inspire you to check them out for yourself.

Our first presenter, Shawn Achor, a young Harvard professor who teaches positive psychology, explained to us in a delicious humorous way, the scientific facts. He proceeded to teach us about the neuroplasticity of the brain, how we can retrain our brains and the need to do so. Because on average the onset of depression has gone from 29.5 years to 14 years of age. The world needs to experience a major shift as too many folks are giving up on themselves and on life, at a younger age.

He went on to explain learned helplessness and how we can apply strategies to reverse that process. How exciting! We do not have to accept false beliefs and limitations that we grew up with. We can actually rewire our brains so that they work to our advantage.

Shawn touched upon - we are what we study - so choose to study people who are being and achieving the success that you want.

One of the pearls I walked away with, after listening to this uplifting young man, was in regards to visualization. Shawn explained the importance of visualizing each step towards our success and not seeing only the end result, to see the steps of your success as the rungs of a ladder. This allows you to see where you were and where you are going.

According to Shawn, there are 2 critical factors for success. The first is realistic optimism and the second is using your strengths on a daily basis. Mind states is where it is at, how we conceive what we will experience affects what we will experience.

These are but a few gems of the knowledge Shawn so graciously shared with us. He ended with a very important point which is - nothing changes if you simply walk away with more intellectual knowledge - you need to apply the information.

I am looking forward to applying a new step to my visualization exercises and will definitely be reading his first book - Ripple Maker, expected later this fall.

Our next speaker, Gerald Celente, founder and director of The Trends Research Institute, practiced what he preaches. He actually hid in a hotel room for several days to read and go through our Beyond Freedom curriculum in order to get to know his audience. He came out to greet us with flair and style, and his zest for life and growth was evident, as well as contagious.

This man was able to deliver the realities of today's economy while demonstrating for us why we are in the right industry, at the right time. He had actually predicted in 1996 that in the future people would focus on attaining their freedom.

Here we are in an industry that allows individuals to use a vehicle that will get them freedom: the ability to do what you want, when you want with those you love. Then again, people must first choose to succeed before the Universe cooperates.

Gerald spoke of community - how there will be a return to community - niches forming around certain concepts and ideas. Community being necessary to the individual, though in past decades we have moved away from community and focused more on doing things on our own.

He went on to describe how we live in a culture of distractions, how we are addicted to e-mails and cell phones. There is a great distinction to be made between activity and productivity. That part of his talk reminded me of energy leaks and how such energy leaks keep us away from our best self. We need to decide what is important and focus on that.

Gerald was very passionate about stopping the dumbing down that has occurred over the last several years and that we need to raise the bar at every level - raise the level of quality on what we are, what we do, and what we produce.

I am now choosing to raise the bar in my own life and pursue my passion and purpose at a deeper level - which is helping those who seek to empower themselves, by inviting them to be a part of a community of higher level thinkers, give them access to high quality personal development resources, and offer them a financial vehicle they can use to achieve their own freedom.

We need to open up our minds.

What you think about yourself and life is probably not. Create your future or you will be created by it. The future is in you! Innovation is the cure for the 21st century - I am choosing to be a part of what will make it happen. How about you? What are you choosing?

Finally I was at the edge of my seat for about five hours while being uplifted and inspired by Les Brown and his daughter Ona.

I have come to realize that for far too many years I was a spectator in my own life. Thank goodness I have changed that around - not necessarily easy and comfortable, but most necessary to live the life of my dreams and gain my freedom.

You see most of us aim too low and hit, instead of aiming to high and missing. One thing that has become clear for me is that another's opinion of me does not have to define me.

See a man as he can be and he will be.

In oder to become more you have to see yourself as more. The only thing that counts is what is happening inside of you. Stop making yourself a prisoner of your own thoughts and words. You do not need to fight for your limitations as they are yours - instead fight for your potential.

You have got to be HUNGRY for your success!

The hardest thing you will ever have to do is develop the belief that you can - once you know you can, you simply take the inspired action and move forwards your destination. If you do not move towards your greatness - which gifts and talents will die with you because you gave up on yourself?

Are you suffering from success anorexia? I am here to introduce you to a part of yourself that you may not yet know.

Greatness is within you. Greatness is a choice. You do not have to be great to start but you must start to be great.

Choose today who you shall serve. Nothing will happen till you choose to make a commitment to be all you can be. However, you must be aware that there is more in you than you will ever know.

Start being transformed by:
Hanging around folks that support you and encourage you to reach higher.
Reading 10-15 pages of empowering material every day.
Listening over and over again to empowering audios.
Retraining your thinking every day.
Giving yourself a vision of being, doing and having more.
Always emulating those who are achieving the success you desire.

Success leaves clues - the simplicity of it has us underestimate the power of the systems that exist to help us along the way.

Have yourself an awesome day - you certainly deserve it.

Your friend and mentor along the way,

Lynette Chartier