Saturday, June 30, 2007

What A Tremendous Liberty League Summit Conference

We just completed attending the Liberty League Summit Conference in Sydney, Australia.

What a tremendous event. What a tremendous experience. What a tremendous city.

What a tremendous opportunity!

Bob Proctor was brilliant. He is larger than life and we had goose bumps listening to him speak. My biggest take away: start with your largest fantasy of what you desire, become really clear about it, and the decide to have it — period. He perfectly describes the simplicity of a process I so often choose to make more complicated than it is.

And we walked on fire! Even our 12 year-old daughter, Jalyna, walked on fire. What an amazing experience to share as a family. And when I say family, I don’t mean just our immediate family, but our extended Liberty League family as well. The sense of community and support for each participant is extraordinary.

And then to cap it off we got to participate in an Intention Experiment and had the opportunity to review the evidence that intention is absolutely real and powerful.

This has been a brilliant conference and the memories will last a lifetime...yet another in an ongoing series of trips of a lifetime facilitated by Liberty League and its Liberty and Summit conferences.

We are very grateful for the opportunity to share this experience.

If you'd like to learn more about me, visit my website at Or feel free to email me at

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Are You Willing To Take Action?

Are you willing to take action in order to achieve what you want out of life? Or are you content to dream about a different life, but remain locked into the status quo of your past and present circumstances due to inaction?

We just completed an 8 day stay in Auckland, New Zealand. It's the first leg of a 3 week working vacation which also takes us to Sydney and Cairns, Australia.

As I've been reflecting on the week, I realize how truly blessed I am. And I'm overcome with gratitude at being able to see this amazing part of the world. Best of all, I'm able to do it with my family.

We were able to take our business with us, and at the same time took in such excursions as the Auckland Zoo, a day in Coromandel, a day a Rotorua visiting the geothermal attractions, and even a day on the "Shire" movie set from the Lord of The Rings trilogy.

But as I look at the week that was, I realize that none of these things would have been possible were it not for my willingness to take action.

Because I truly wanted something different than the corporate drone-like life I was living, I was willing to get uncomfortable by taking action. In many cases these were actions that were very foreign to me.

I took action by researching and learning about different business and income opportunities. I took action by choosing to get started in my own home based business. I took action by seeking out and connecting with successful entreprenuers and business people. I took action by committing to my learning through books and workshops. I took action by taking the leap and actually leaving my corporate job behind so that I could focus my energies full time on my business. I took action by committing to take my family on a trip to New Zealand and Australia (which is merely the latest in several "trips of a lifetime" we've taken over the past 2 years).

Even when I didn't know how it was all going to exactly work out, which was most of the time, I chose to trust in myself and the abundance of the universe and continue to take the actions necessary to move me closer to my goals.

Creating your new future means creating a new you. And that implies taking action to change the decisions you’ve been making, changing the thoughts you’ve been thinking and changing the actions you’ve been taking.

Remember, wealth and prosperity evade the person who chooses inaction. You must be willing to seize the opportunities as they are presented. Understand that the world is full of opportunities, but if you choose inaction, the opportunities pass you by.

I see this so often.

I see people get caught in analysis paralysis over whether or not to seize the opportunity that is in front of them.

It may be a business opportunity or new business idea. Or it may be an investment or a financial opportunity. Or perhaps it’s a new job offer.

I see them become so hesitant to make a decision about whether they are in or they are out that they literally choose not to take any action. And so then the opportunity is gone.

Isn't it interesting that most people's greatest regrets in life are around things they didn't take the opportunity to do?

Have you ever had any regrets over an action you chose not to take? An investment opportunity that you passed up which could have made you a fortune? A great idea that was worth a million bucks, but you sat on it and someone else has run with it?

What is the pattern of behaviour in your own life?

More importantly, what are the opportunities you have right now that merely require you to take the action.

Remember, you are the CEO of you – the leader of your own life. What would you expect the CEO of you to do?

Be the leader. Be courageous. Seize the moment.

Be a person of action and move steadfastly forward on the path towards your dreams.

And take action today. Then you, too, can begin to live many experiences of a life time.

Thanks for reading.

Visit my website at or feel free to email your comments or feedback at

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Change How You Look At Things And The Things You Look At Change

You've heard the saying "change the way you look at things and the things you look at change" -- right?

Allow me to share with you a wonderful little example that illustrates this point so well.

Yesterday we just completed the first leg of a 3 week trip we're taking to New Zealand and Australia. We're spending 8 days in Auckland, then fly to Sydney for 7 days, then fly to Cairns for 7 days before returning home to Canada. It's a great trip that provides the perfect example of the advantages we are blessed with by operating our own home based business -- we are able to take our business with us and still enjoy the trip of a lifetime.

Our travel time to Auckland spanned 39 hours from the time we left our house to the time we arrived at here at our hotel. We had stops in Vancouver, Honolulu, and Sydney on our way.

It's the flight -- or more specifically the landing -- in Sydney that I want to tell you about.

The leg from Honolulu to Sydney was about 10 and a half hours so it was a long flight. For the majority of passengers who started the trip from Vancouver, the flight was delayed by an hour in Vancouver and another hour or better in Honolulu (that delay was endured while we were on the plane and had to turn back to the gate to secure a trolley that came loose while we were taxiing for take-off).

Then, to top things off, about an hour or so after we left Honolulu there was an electrical problem with the video system, which led to some noisy crackling sounds and the smell of burning plastic filling the cabin from the overhead projector right above me.

As you can imagine, the idea of risking a cabin fire while at 34,000 feet above the Pacific Ocean did not appeal to anybody and the crew shut the video system down. So the flight now felt longer since there was no video entertainment to help pass the remaining 9 hours of the flight.

So it wasn't necessarily the most ideal trip by the time we approached Sydney.

But the best part was yet to come.

There was some "weather" in Sydney with rain and high winds. The last 20 minutes or so of our descent was very turbulent. As we approached the airport, our plane was lurching back and forth, side to side, and up and down. And it kept getting worse the closer we got to the ground.

The last few hundred feet put most amusement park rides to shame. It was breath taking, not necessarily in a good way for most of us on board. And the landing was very hard since we touched down on only the right hand side set of wheels first.

For a moment the plane swerved sharply and you could literally cut the tension in the cabin with a knife.

Except for my 4 year old son, Joshua.

For the last minute or so of the landing, his was the only voice in the cabin and he was providing a non-stop running commentary of the events. "Wow! This is awesome! Yee haa! All right! What a ride! Whoa! Yeahh! Race cars -- Wow! Can we do that AGAIN! That was FUN!"

As the plane shimmied back and forth leading many of us to wonder if it was going to catapult off the runway or flip over, my son was jubilant. After the the plane braked -- screeched is more like it -- very hard and finally came under control on the runway, he let out an exhuberant cheer celebrating the exhilaration of the ride.

"That was the best ride EVER! Can we do that AGAIN?!?"

A few seconds later, the rest of the passengers began a controlled, polite applause celebrating the fact we had landed safely. The crew chief announced to us over the intercom "Well, wasn't that the perfect ending to a perfect trip! Welcome to Sydney."

So here we were, all on the same plane ride, with the same circumstances and the same result. For most of the passengers on the plane, it was a plane ride from Hell. But for my 4 year old son, it was the "best plane ride ever".

What a tremendous lesson for me. In the space of a few moments I suddenly found myself looking at the flight quite differently. Without the video distractions, I was able to get in some quality reading time, got some decent sleep to ward off jet lag, was well fed, landed safely, and experienced a hell of a ride with an amazing landing.

What could be more perfect?

Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change. Thanks for the lesson, Joshua.

And thank You for reading.

Feel free to email me with your comments or feedback at or visit my website at

Monday, June 11, 2007

Stop Being Stuck In The Past

Are you stuck right now in your life?

Are you trapped because you are focused on your past rather than your future?

Here's what I mean by that.

So often a large part of why we are stuck is because we're focused on the past.

And because you are locked into your past decisions and outcomes, the tendency is to believe they are an accurate forecast of your future.

And they are, so long as you continue to make the same quality of decisions.

So the trick is to take responsibility for leading yourself to where you want to go rather than where you've been. You accomplish that by focusing on where you are going.

Once you are focused on where you are going, it enables you to make a decision to do something different to break the pattern that you've lived up to now.

So, ask yourself this question.

How do you like the results you've gotten so far?

If your answer is you'd like the results to be a lot better, then look steadfastly forward and stay very focused on where you are going.

You do that by reviewing your goals, which we've talked about previously.

Let where you are going serve as your guide to the decisions you make. And always make decisions that will move you closer to your goals.

Your results will immediately begin to improve.

So, at the risk of repeating myself, if you are stuck, odds are it's because you are primarily looking at what was or what is. Until you look at where you intend to go, nothing can change.

If there are things in your life you want to change, then take the personal responsibility to lead yourself.

Drop the drama of your past, release it , and move forward. One step at a time, focus clearly on where you are going and what step you can take today -- right now -- to move closer to that place.

Then repeat the process. Over and over day by day.

Visit my website at or feel free to email me with questions or feedback at

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7 Traps to Avoid with Law of Attraction

I am always amazed at the incredible tools, resources, books, conference calls, and tele-classes that are out there to help us move forward towards what we want to achieve. This past week was no different, great information came through my simple tool - the telephone. The particular call I listened to explained why some people are not getting the results they want with the Law of Attraction. I found the information valuable and trust you will too.

Here are the 7 traps we can get into:
1. Unclear Vision.
Some folks just do not have a clear vision. If you feel like you have to work really hard on the chosen vision, something is wrong. Your vision must be emotionally compelling and feel like it is pulling you along and that you are riding a wave. The FEELING needs to feel easy. If you are on the right track there is a magical quality about your vision.
So how does your vision feel to you? Spend time discovering what you really love to do.

2. Emotional Blockages
Too many folks are not clearing out emotional blockages when they come up. Without clearing these blocks you will self-sabotage. Deal immediately with negative emotions as they come up. Get relief first and you will feel like you are off and running. Then get resolution. There are a number of techniques and strategies out there to help you do that.

3. Not Completely Understanding Law of Attraction

Many folks may have listened to erroneous comments or have not paid close attention to the details of the Law of Attraction. Some don't take action. You need to take action as the law works through you. Some people think they only need to sit and think. You need to give the Universe a channel to get the goods to you and get course corrections. Napoleon Hill, Wallace Wattles and Charles Haanel all give great wisdom on this point.

Analogy: If you are not in your sailboat when the winds come, you will not be able to take the course corrections. The feedback you get is important and you must pay close attention to it.

When the steps are taken the doubt gets removed. You will stay in fear till you do take action. You will not know how you will achieve your goal but once the first step is taken the next step will appear. But without the first step, the how cannot appear.

See the results. Stay focused on results and the Universe will provide the results. The How to will be shown to you. If you try to figure it out you won't see the course corrections.

It is important to ask for what you are capable of. Remember you are so much more capable than you think. Do not ask the infinite intelligence for things that are completely menial. Do what you can and leave the harder stuff to the Universe.

The process adjusts to our mentality. Lots can happen very quickly.
The temptation that is dangerous is to let our self be controlled by what we think is possible.

4. Premature Over Planning in the Visualization
At the beginning it is important to not get submerged into too many details of the vision, otherwise visualizing can feel like work and lose its fun component. Some analytical minds get so caught up in the details that they start vibrating a feeling of overwhelm and inadequacy. You want to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Keep a 35,000-foot over view. Do not get stuck in the mentality that you must do it all yourself. We need to stay out of our way. You do that by staying focused on the result. Take the beginning action and see what unfolds.

5. Ignoring the Bliss Principal
Follow your inspiration, your joy and you will attract everything you need.
If it feels like a struggle you are on the wrong track. It is crucial to FEEL GOOD and to FEEL ALIVE.

There is a temptation to think that we are doing it wrong. You will encounter obstacles but that does not mean you are doing it wrong.
Beating the drum of "What am I doing wrong? What am I doing wrong?" becomes what is wrong.

6. Ignoring the Expansive Principal
Being an expansive person means you more than fill your current position. If you are in a dysfunctional environment and more than fill your current position, know that it is quite possible that you will be disliked. If you re in a positive environment people will appreciate you and encourage you.
An expansive person has high energy, is positive, and is someone who is always advancing. This is a very powerful yet hidden principal. You must become the person you see yourself as and put your self in that position.

Am I affecting those around me positively?

7. Focusing too much on getting what you want.

Focusing too hard and too much on getting what you want, creates doubt and a feeling of lack. You must learn to create value for others and then the more we give, the more we get. Too much focus on getting means you have lost the vision. The giving to others must be part of the vision. We need to see how we can give in relationships, in business, and in love.

These are the seven traps that people can fall into when working with the Law of Attraction, according to Dr. Symeon Rodger.

Be constantly grateful. Be thanksgiving. That means you remain constantly upbeat. Giving thanks will make you feel better. It is important to note that this is not just an intellectual concept but rather something you must feel. You need to give thanks frequently so that it becomes a default mentality. Dr. Symeon suggests for starters giving thanks 3 x a day. Then increase this to 5 x a day. Then try and stay grateful for 30 minutes at a time. All ancient traditions state that there is no better faster way to connect with Source than to give thanks.

Focus on the immediate vision - your day at hand and 6 months out. It must inspire you. If it seems life fun you are then on the right track. Inspiration is an absolute principal of life... beyond us.

Joy is the fuel of the Law of Attraction.
Take action yet do not trespass into the How to.
Ask for guidance and source will give it to you.
Always aim your action at being of service to others; adding value.
Always keep in mind how you feel moment to moment.
Happiness is often talked about in superficial ways and in circumstances around us. Joy goes much further.

Practice these steps. Take action. Be persistent. Be patient and watch the magic happen.

Lynette Chartier